
作者:四眼  于 2012-11-5 10:56 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


关键词:教育, 人人










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回复 远洋副船长 2012-11-6 02:59
回复 thulyh 2012-11-6 03:07
chico: 老和尚,买什么东西?
Thanks you and this is a great question.  Here are a few examples other than direct monetary funding:

(1) We have many projects, for example, renovation for schools/lighting/facilities, lunch program (many cannot afford even RMB 50c).  Example: http://ocef.org/media-center/news/487

(2) We also build libraries, which grows very popular in recent years.
example: http://ocef.org/component/content/article/43-ocefcnews/505-2012-09-12

(3) We also have training and counseling programs.  For kids, the biggest challenge is the lack of teachers and they found the learning process was quite a challenge.  For our libraries, we also concerned on how to better use books donated.  We also try to improve kids' self-esteem, especially for girls (e.g. GE program), because of bully when their parents migrated to cities for a little earnings.  Example: http://ocef.org/organization/news/494

Thank you for your question, and I am confident that we need people looking over our shoulders as we have exactly the same concern so that we can make our love for better use.  Thank you very much.
回复 浪花朵朵 2012-11-6 03:14
回复 thulyh 2012-11-6 03:14
徐福男儿: 多谢这篇好文。两个问题:第一,如果我想捐款,怎样同OCEF联系呢?第二(这个问题不太忠厚),他们帮助贫穷地区发展教育,如何绕过当地那些贪官,让善款真正落到 ...
Thank you for your support.

To answer your question: (1) ocef.org/donation; (2) we are directly connected with schools, not through officials.  But to avoid over-simplicity, as your question is excellent, I will detail a little more.

1. Yes, OCEF is US 501(c)(3) non-profit organization (tax ID: 76-0680540).  Your contribution is tax deductible in the US.

2. We have internal and external audit teams to ensure the money is properly allocated and used.  For every project, you can find the financials and where your money goes.  You may need your donor ID for some of the 1-on-1 or name specific projects.  Donors will also receive donor newsflash every 1-2 months (volunteers have volunteer newsflash).  Everyone can review our annual report and bigger-ticket projects online at ocef.org and raise questions to ocef@ocef.org.

3. Please visit our donation at ocef.org/donation; you can also double or even triple your effort if you have company match program ocef.org/donation/2010-03-06-21-06-33

4. It may well be true that we had no control on China corruption.  What we do are two-fold to tackle this challenge. (1) We have rigid auditing program and as a matter of fact, a few schools permanently lost their supports from us because of fraud; (2) we constantly promote our values of being open, caring, efficient and fun.  Not only we want our kids have the money for essential education, we want them having an education for being a better person.  We want to make it loud enough that integrity is a virtue that is worth his or her whole life to protect.

5. Our goal is simply that we reap what we sow.  While we are passing love to these underprivileged kids, we give hope not only to them but also ourselves.  We firmly believe, as Albert Einstein pointed out, that "The value of a man should be seen in what he gives and not in what he is able to receive."

Thanks again for your great help.
回复 四眼 2012-11-6 04:03
远洋副船长: 教育是立国之本!资助虽然杯水车薪但还是令人感动!
回复 四眼 2012-11-6 04:03
浪花朵朵: 为他们的善举感动。
回复 麦燕萍 2012-11-6 09:25
回复 格物便是致知 2012-11-6 18:17
感动,俺也一直通过世界宣明会(World Vision)助养国内边远地区小孩,不知目前澳洲有沒有类似这类信得过的组织。
回复 城市达人 2012-11-6 18:19
回复 四眼 2012-11-8 00:04
麦燕萍: 感动
回复 四眼 2012-11-8 00:05
格物便是致知: 感动,俺也一直通过世界宣明会(World Vision)助养国内边远地区小孩,不知目前澳洲有沒有类似这类信得过的组织。
回复 四眼 2012-11-8 00:05
城市达人: 爱心无限,致敬!

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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