
作者:户人  于 2010-3-26 12:16 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村











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1 回复 户人 2010-3-30 02:22
snortbsd: inn chinese?
1 回复 snortbsd 2010-3-30 04:10
户人: Yes.
i guess i missed a lot of stuff when i was in china...
1 回复 户人 2010-3-30 04:55
snortbsd: i guess i missed a lot of stuff when i was in china...
The movie was only for "internal screening" (内部电影) in the late 1970's -- you must have the right connectionAt the time the Sino-Soviet relation was still cold, and since this movie was made in the early 1970's during Brezhnev’s time, it was not released to wider audience in China.
1 回复 snortbsd 2010-3-30 05:07
户人: The movie was only for "internal screening" (内部电影) in the late 1970's -- you must have the right connectionAt the time the Sino
it was made in the period of 68-71. i think this so-called "internal screening" was due to the fact of copy right...

now with dvd, i bet i could find them on the streets of china...
1 回复 snortbsd 2010-3-30 05:40
SirCat: 咱印象深刻
英文名《Dog Days》
dog days? about what? world war two?
1 回复 户人 2010-3-30 06:28
snortbsd: it was made in the period of 68-71. i think this so-called "internal screening" was due to the fact of copy right...

now with dvd, i bet i
Not sure about the copy right stuff -- the Soviet Union probably did not have copy right either. It was not openly shown in China had more to do with the ideology differences of the two communist parties than anything else.

Now you can buy it on the street in China, absolutely. My 视频 is from one of those DVD's.
1 回复 snortbsd 2010-3-30 07:42
户人: Not sure about the copy right stuff -- the Soviet Union probably did not have copy right either. It was not openly shown in China had more to do with
how was the dvd? i meant the quality?
1 回复 户人 2010-3-30 10:06
snortbsd: how was the dvd? i meant the quality?
Well, the DVD is just a compressed VCD on DVD media-- putting 8 hrs in one. It's not really a DVD movie.
1 回复 老阿姨 2010-7-9 11:33
1 回复 户人 2010-7-9 23:41
老阿姨: 谢谢分享,历史巨片,值得重看。

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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