
作者:pengl  于 2011-5-21 02:46 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村











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2 回复 pengl 2011-5-27 13:54
smartman: ..."we've lost the momentum"...

to tell you the truth, we never had that momentum.

the point is, to my knowledge, we made LITTLE or NO ...
Then nothing can be done other than praying?
2 回复 smartman 2011-5-27 14:35
pengl: Then nothing can be done other than praying?
1.  the new financial regulations have largely prohibited banks from high risk financial transactions;
2.  banks also began to realize the risk;
3.  going forward, regulators will also regulate banks routinely and closely.

so, for a while, at least for quite a few years or a decade, the chance for next severe crisis like this is slim and virtully impossible.

however, banks are good at manipulation and they may give up CDS and create many other complex derivatives outside regulations, who knows.  so, unless regulatory rules keep innovations (which I don't think the fed government can), financial crsis will eventually happen -- this is my personal long term pessimistic projection.

back to your original point: we have not imposed any severe penalty laws to punish capricious executives.  so, those bank executives who should be responsible for the crisis are at large.  that is why most people are angry that government has done little to punish those culprits.

that said, two weeks ago, the SEC together with NY state attorney at law, have for the first time since the crisis won a lawsuit on the court and the grand jury (7 man plus 3-women) unanimosuly indicted a few hedge fund executives (from Galleon Group) on insider trading.  the CEO, named Raj XXX, an immigrant originally from Sri Lanka, was sentenced to 15 years in prison.  Some other executives of the firm were also indicted for some years in prison (under 15 years).  That was the first victory of Fed government in criminal lawsuit after the financial crisis.  I had a former American (white man) colleague who joined SEC's lawsuit/persecution team over a year ago and worked very hard to eventually indict the Galleon Group successfully.
2 回复 pengl 2011-5-27 15:03
smartman: 1.  the new financial regulations have largely prohibited banks from high risk financial transactions;
2.  banks also began to realize the risk;
3.  g ...
Thanks for your insightful info that shed some light on the puzzling question raised in my blog.
2 回复 老阿姨 2011-6-2 11:29
2 回复 pengl 2011-6-2 12:46
老阿姨:    好文,学习了。
2 回复 smartman 2011-6-7 11:00
pengl: Thanks for your insightful info that shed some light on the puzzling question raised in my blog.
however, in general, it is extremely difficult to indict these financial executives because it is too hard to collect strong evidence.

i would say, more than 99% culprits are actually still at large.  the only comfort our average people can feel a little relieved is, most of these financial executives who should be responsible, lost their jobs after the crisis.
1 ...789

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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