
作者:pengl  于 2010-10-17 10:07 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村











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1 回复 pengl 2010-10-21 04:29
伊人秋水: 这照片拍得。。。,这文章写得。。。,赏心悦目,又学到了知识。
1 回复 smartman 2011-7-1 13:41
Cristal: 2008年的夏天去了旧金山旅游,到了斯坦福大学。特别有人文气息的学校!罗丹的“思想者”就是其中之一!
gee, stanford should be famous for IT/technology innovation and entrepreneurships, right? :-)
1 回复 smartman 2011-7-1 13:46
one number in your article took me by surprise -- 拥有200多尊法国雕塑家罗丹的雕塑.  i did not know until today.  are you sure?  i trust you would never invent a number yourself.  you got to quote this number from some official document, right?

btw, when you visited hoover, was Jiang's diary open for public?
1 回复 pengl 2011-7-1 14:08
smartman: one number in your article took me by surprise -- 拥有200多尊法国雕塑家罗丹的雕塑.  i did not know until today.  are you sure?  i trust you would neve ...
The number is from Stanford University:

(exerpt) Don't buy tickets to France. The greatest collection of Rodin bronzes outside Paris is here at Stanford.

Rodin! The Complete Stanford Collection opens today and will remain on view indefinitely.

It is the first time the Cantor Center for Visual Arts is giving the public a chance to see its entire collection: about 200 works of stone, wax,


By the way, Jiang's diary was not available to the public when I visited the Hoover Institute several years go.
1 回复 smartman 2011-7-1 14:33
thanks for quick reply.  it was a pity i did not realize hence did not really get a chance to enjoy Rodin (when i was in CA).

reading your quote article from Stanford website, I found Canter Center was actually named for Cantor Fitzgerald (whose FI firm was hit terribly and lost about 1/2 staffs in 9-11).  Canter mentioned NY Metropolitan Musuem, too.  I have been there numerous times.  Next time, I will revisit Rodin's The Hand of God and watch it closely.

Thanks for sharing with us all the information.  Great job!  Buddy!

Btw, I have free access to Metropolitan Museum and most major public Museums (including Guggenheim, which is private) in NYC.  In case someday you visit here and would like a free visit, I may be of help to you (under mutually convenient schedule). :-)
1 回复 pengl 2011-7-1 14:44
smartman: thanks for quick reply.  it was a pity i did not realize hence did not really get a chance to enjoy Rodin (when i was in CA).

reading your quote arti ...
It's great to know someone who is so devoted, passionate and knowledgeable about arts.  Thanks for the generous offer to NY museums.

Have a nice long weekend!
1 回复 smartman 2011-7-1 15:06
pengl: It's great to know someone who is so devoted, passionate and knowledgeable about arts.  Thanks for the generous offer to NY museums.

Have a nice long ...
thanks.  i am flattered.  i am merely a persistent amatur art lover.

have a great weekend!
1 回复 Cristal 2011-7-1 20:38
smartman: gee, stanford should be famous for IT/technology innovation and entrepreneurships, right? :-)
1 回复 smartman 2011-7-1 23:37
Cristal: 应该每一个专业都不错
i hope but don't think so.  for example, its education school ranked out of top 5 and its medical school about 10th.  Generally speaking, exceptionally strong in engineering, science and business but not very strong in liberal arts.  That is why I am kinda surprised that here we emphasized its strength in arts.

That said, its liberal arts programs are still pretty good.  Just not as good into nation's top 5 leading program.

Tiger Woods studied liberal arts in Stanford and left school at year 2 end after he got a Golf Champion.  So, Stanford liberal arts did cultivate celebrities. :-)
1 回复 Cristal 2011-7-2 03:05
smartman: i hope but don't think so.  for example, its education school ranked out of top 5 and its medical school about 10th.  Generally speaking, exceptionall ...
You seem to know every thing about this school...
1 回复 Waterlily888 2011-9-7 21:39
1 回复 pengl 2011-9-7 22:30
Waterlily888: 去过斯坦福,才知道那儿罗丹作品极多。长见识了,你的兴趣爱好看来很广泛吗,什么都知道一些。
1 ...1314

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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