
作者:roaming  于 2010-9-20 20:55 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村












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1 回复 溪水牡丹 2010-9-20 23:17
1 回复 方方头 2010-9-20 23:20
1 回复 roaming 2010-9-20 23:21
方方头: 还真是废话哈哈
1 回复 jiandao 2010-9-21 00:28
真水无香紫金媛: 写得好!实际!哪个不想出来打一架,但要有把握呢!要不然老百姓就惨了!历来都是这样的,损失更重。
you are right.
1 回复 kala2009 2010-9-21 00:48
1 回复 云间鹤 2010-9-21 01:05
乔雨风: 得了吧。
难道我们的相对国力 (实力) 还不如抗美援朝时期。
1 回复 BL_518 2010-9-21 01:07

有最新消息传来,中方已派遣渔政执法船前往相关海域,“目的是维护相关海域的渔业生产秩序,保护中国渔民生命财产安全。” 这是正确的一步。希望能借此,让日本人改变中国在钓鱼岛问题上“软弱无能”之旧印象,而心有忌惮,不敢妄行;也希望此举能增加中方在日后谈判中的筹码~~
1 回复 RuudGullit 2010-9-21 01:17
1 回复 snortbsd 2010-9-21 01:17
roaming: 我这文章是在钓鱼,其实,这次中国军很强硬。搞不好就会有局部冲突。
japs didn't use military. it was japs version of coast guard. why should china use 中国军?????

what china should do is, from now on, keep sending 渔政执法船 in that area and keep sending fishing boats to that area....
1 回复 snortbsd 2010-9-21 01:19
云间鹤: 你组织个义勇军吧!
if it was the matter of land force, it would not be as thorny as it is...
1 回复 snortbsd 2010-9-21 01:19
roaming: 我这文章是在钓鱼,其实,这次中国军很强硬。搞不好就会有局部冲突。
japs didn't use military. it was japs version of coast guard. why should china use 中国军?????

what china should do is, from now on, keep sending 渔政执法船 in that area and keep sending fishing boats to that area....
1 回复 RuudGullit 2010-9-21 01:33
snortbsd: japs didn't use military. it was japs version of coast guard. why should china use 中国军?????

what china should do is, from now on, keep sending 渔
Thing is, China does not have its version of 'coast guard' or whatsoever, and since the island is deemed as Chinese territory, therefore it is justifiable to send military forces patroling the area to ensure the safety of Chinese citizens and their properties.
Literally, the 渔政执法船 (Fishery Law Enforcement Ship), sounds more like the a '城管' ship, a civilian vessel that needs protection itself. So how can we rely on such a thing to protect the integrity of the territory?
1 回复 snortbsd 2010-9-21 03:04
RuudGullit: Thing is, China does not have its version of 'coast guard' or whatsoever, and since the island is deemed as Chinese territory, therefore it is justif
in terms of oceanic science, china is so far behind you just can't imagine. how many oceanic scientists does china have? very few. how many departments of oceanic science do chinese universities have? not even double digits.

do you really think american/japnese have powerful navies because they have more powerful ships? wrong, wrong, wrong!!! because they know the ocean like their backyards...

we don't know the ocean as we as we should, we don't know that part of properties that  belong to us. oceanic science isn't something glamorous, important for most of chinese. qingdao has a university specialized in oceanic science but hardly anyone knows it; let alone it alwasy had tough time to get highly qualified students each year.

we are only pissed off when things went bad, instead of we should sharpen our tools for right time. on this issue, we have only one fight. without right tools, well sharpened swords, you can't slay the dragon!!!

talk is cheap. as far as i see it: we keep this low level activities going until...

we must raise the awareness of ocean science, put more resources on that subject, build more schools and have more scholars for oceanic science. those are fundamental steps for a powerful navy.
1 回复 snortbsd 2010-9-21 03:15
roaming: 我这文章是在钓鱼,其实,这次中国军很强硬。搞不好就会有局部冲突。
well, you can't bet this on 也不会有大事情. if that so, we surely would be loser...

for engineers, we always consider the worst case scenarios...

for a military operation, you always have to consider all of possibilities...
1 回复 云间鹤 2010-9-21 03:20
snortbsd: if it was the matter of land force, it would not be as thorny as it is...
China then has no way out!
1 回复 小由 2010-9-21 03:53
roaming: 我个人认为日方是不理智的。中国显然不是十年前的中国。中国现在是鹰派抬头,搞不好会有大动作!但就是不说!
1 回复 真水无香紫金媛 2010-9-21 04:17
jiandao: you are right.
1 回复 jiandao 2010-9-21 04:27
真水无香紫金媛: 够兄弟,站在我这边!
of cause I go with you. Can you expect an illeagal government (I mean it is not elected) will go very far while it deals with such things?
1 回复 roaming 2010-9-21 04:29
小由: 不会有大动作的。您放心。
1 回复 真水无香紫金媛 2010-9-21 04:30
jiandao: of cause I go with you. Can you expect an illeagal government (I mean it is not elected) will go very far while it deals with such things?
you are right
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