
作者:田奟  于 2010-4-16 04:27 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村












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回复 oneweek 2010-4-19 02:28
田奟: 他的标题没有区域,没有时间,没有特定的历史背景.如果他在痛斥他自己所上过的学校,也就由他去了.说到中国人,这就包括所有的中国人了.
还好你没有说他讲的是西周的教育, 那就成了陕西的教育了.
回复 田奟 2010-4-19 03:35
oneweek: 还好你没有说他讲的是西周的教育, 那就成了陕西的教育了.
回复 oneweek 2010-4-19 08:18
田奟: 让咱看到的是中国教育。
你不是说他没有说时间吗? 西周起就有中国的概念了.
回复 jimx98 2010-4-19 10:47
snortbsd: that guy isn't what he claimed to be...

he tried to lecture me how internet works...

her doesn't know shit what he was talking about...
I am really interested to know what the shit you are talking about. When I played with the Internet, most likely you were still wearing a diaper.

You even don't understand the difference between an email queue and an email spool.  Go back to read more books and come back to make your points.

In my career life, I interviewed at least dozens of IT engineers. Let me ask you a simple unix question, if you can tell me the correct answer, normally I will mark you 3-5 year unix background.

What is the difference between /bin/ls and /sbin/ls ?
回复 田奟 2010-4-19 11:06
oneweek: 你不是说他没有说时间吗? 西周起就有中国的概念了.
回复 snortbsd 2010-4-19 11:30
jimx98: I am really interested to know what the shit you are talking about. When I played with the Internet, most likely you were still wearing a diaper.

hahahahaha, what a joke!!!

in general, i don't answer this kind of questions since i rather go to unix forum. but deal with your yunyuns? sure i can break my rules once, just once!

i don't do IT and i would not take IT job. let me put this way, it could be fun for hobbies but not so great or so much for a job. in my line of business, IT is just a subset of my line of business. not to degrade anyone in IT business (it makes a good living, honestly), i can apply most of IT positions and can get an IT job like that (snapping my fingers) but we usually don't take anyone who merely worked in IT field unless for some junior positions.

not that i am so cocky for anything. really in my line of business, i am the square of nobody. some of my-coworkers think i am good but i know clearly i am the bottom fish because i have worked with quite a few top notch engineers and i am utterly humbled by them.

as to this unix question, could you can tell me the differences between single user mode and fully operation mode; differences between statically linked libraries and dynamically linked libraries?

last, you equal the business of IT with the business of the Internet, one word for you: pathetic!!!

maybe you should stay with your yunyun business, that fits you well...
回复 jimx98 2010-4-19 12:08
The question you listed, for most IT people, they can find the answers online easily.

The interesting thing is, this question "differences between statically linked libraries and dynamically linked libraries?"

You didn't realize, it is exactly the same question I asked.

/bin/ls is dynamically linked when it is compiled. (used in multi-user mode only)
/bin/sbin is statically linked when it is complied.

Really funny.

Thanks for giving me a good mode for tonight.

Good by and good luck!
回复 snortbsd 2010-4-19 12:34
jimx98: The question you listed, for most IT people, they can find the answers online easily.

The interesting thing is, this question "differences betw
hahahaha, what a joke!!!

that was what my answer was!!!
回复 linzhiding 2010-4-19 13:32
snortbsd: yeah, you really believe he is what he said he is...
回复 linzhiding 2010-4-19 14:17
snortbsd: this 华东26 just opened his account. just another "maja" for someone here for a while...
我是钱学森的崇拜者, 可能您也是!
伟人辞世, 全球同悼。。。。这是为钱伯伯去世我给“刚刚”的Email,。。。。
回复 霜天红叶 2010-4-19 19:08
snortbsd: hahahahaha, what a joke!!!

in general, i don't answer this kind of questions since i rather go to unix forum. but deal with your yunyuns? sure i can
回复 霜天红叶 2010-4-19 19:11
jimx98: I am really interested to know what the shit you are talking about. When I played with the Internet, most likely you were still wearing a diaper.

回复 snortbsd 2010-4-19 22:26
linzhiding: 我是钱学森的崇拜者, 可能您也是!
伟人辞世, 全球同悼。。。。这是为钱伯伯去世我给“刚刚”的Email,。。。。
yes i am...
回复 linzhiding 2010-4-20 04:01
snortbsd: yes i am...
回复 hr8888hr 2010-4-21 21:35
浪花朵朵: 我以前在国内做老师时读过一本书叫《素质教育在美国》(作者:黄全愈),说的是自己儿子在美国读书的经历和思考。当时对美国教育崇拜的五体投地,国内也大力推广
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