
作者:mali50  于 2016-8-12 10:54 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


关键词:格鲁吉亚, 俄罗斯, 叙利亚, 乌克兰, 个人主义










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3 回复 meistersinger 2016-8-12 13:38
搞错了吧?15年前加州Proposition 209就禁止用种族来考虑优先进入加州大学。AB 1726是不能改变入学标准的。
3 回复 正义感 2016-8-12 19:58
4 回复 mali50 2016-8-12 20:04
meistersinger: 搞错了吧?15年前加州Proposition 209就禁止用种族来考虑优先进入加州大学。AB 1726是不能改变入学标准的。
2 回复 十路 2016-8-12 20:55
正义感: 又被扯到了民主专制了。真的走火入魔了。

1. Difference between philosophy, political system, politics
2. Discussion of philosophy
3. Discussion of political system
4. Politicize
5. Play politics

Further more:

8. Difference between philosophy, political system, economics, science
9. Discussion of science and political system
10. Discussion of science and philosophy
11. Discussion of economics and philosophy
12. Discussion of economics and political system

Go on...

Fitting oneself in the right category would benefit the discussion.


4 回复 正义感 2016-8-12 22:25
十路: Basics:

1. Difference between philosophy, political system, politics
2. Discussion of philosophy
3. Discussion of political system
4. Politicize
5. P
奥运狂欢下的陷阱: 这是这个帖子的主题。Very disturbing that very time you change to irrelevant topics.
4 回复 十路 2016-8-12 23:17
正义感: 奥运狂欢下的陷阱: 这是这个帖子的主题。Very disturbing that very time you change to irrelevant topics.
It's ok for you get frustrated and express your frustration after reading it, but there is no rational for me to stop talking about what's important from my perspective because I can't change my view point just based on how you feel.

I heard you and have a great day

Here is my thought relevant to this topic and you are welcome to participate in the discussion:


You may find out interesting too when you see the connections if you are willing to step out of your comfort zone.

One thing I would like to point out is that  you constantly express your feeling about dislike my topic but you're continuously chasing my writings to repeat yourself. Don't you realize that's enough? Have you ever thought about your own capability of comprehending such topic? or asking yourself why you are so sensitive and bothered by the discussion of system.

Are you living in the United States democracy system? where it encourages scholarly discussions of all topics, yes? beyond that, here is why SYSTEM topic needs to be brought in.

This article talks about Olympics event but not limited to sports, instead it's wild including politics, science, education, and international affairs, etc. the number one reason.

The pros & cons as well as their magnitude that I pointed out are SYSTEMATIC, way beyond personal handling.

Comparative discussion of systems and analyzing cause-effect is Philosophy and SCIENCE, not politics.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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