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ryu: 港警在脸书声明:铜锣湾超40名暴徒非法集結被捕
  • ryu: 40 rioters arrested for unlawful assembly in Causeway Bay, Around 2:30 PM, a large group of rioters climbed over roadside railings and blocked Gloucester Road with rubbish, posing a grave threat to ro (5-25 09:47)
  • ryu: road safety. Police officers immediately attended the scene to stop the rioters, who then retreated to Hung Hing Road. In total, 40 people were eventually arrested for “Unlawful Assembly”. (5-25 09:47)
  • ryu: No one can escape the long arm of the law and the Police will spend every effort to bring all offenders to justice. (5-25 09:47)
  • ryu: 方块字为:下午约2时半铜锣湾有大批暴徒爬越马路围栏,闯入告打士道行车线以杂物堵路,完全罔顾现场道路用户的安全。警方立即到场阻止,大批暴徒逃至鸿兴道附近,终被制服拘捕。事件中至少40名男女涉嫌参与非法集结 (5-25 09:49)
  • ryu: 被捕。警方警告暴徒切勿以为犯法后可以逃出法网,警方必定全力执法,将所有涉案人绳之于法。 (5-25 09:49)
2020-5-25 09:46 回复|

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