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ryu: 英媒报英格兰终于迎来“大解封”Britons returned to pubs across the UK
  • ryu: 酒吧餐厅理发店电影院等等时隔3个多月的封闭后全面解禁,民众立刻蜂拥而至狂饮狂欢,伦敦的Soho地区 ,利物浦和曼切斯特等区入夜前已水泄不通,半夜后醉汉醉妞满街成堆醉倒街边, (7-7 12:20)
  • ryu: 必须警察逐个叫醒,传媒预测当天消费了1500万品脱(850万升)酒水。几乎无人佩戴口罩! #London'sSoho, #Liverpool and #Manchester, to enjoy a pint in the sunshine today after new regulations allowing pubs (7-7 12:21)
  • ryu: in #England to reopen came into force on '#SuperSaturday '. In London's Soho,crowds of eager revellers were spotted sitting outside bars and pubs for a socially distanced drink, just a day after tho (7-7 12:21)
  • ryu: thousands seized the opportunity to celebrate the easing of coronavirus lockdown at their favourite drinking establishments. In Leighton-on-Sea, Essex, Britons were pictured spilling out of The Croo (7-7 12:22)
  • ryu: Crooked Billet pub...图片曝晒112枚!https://www.facebook.com/ryu.sueno/posts/10207935007768627 (7-7 12:23)
2020-7-7 12:18 回复|

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