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ryu: "中国有超过8500家肯德基, 味觉不会骗人"美国务院前发言人奥塔格斯隔空舌战我外交部部长助理华春莹, "中国一直都是肯塔基州的一部分,失散多年的孩子终将回家"


  • ryu: 前美国国务院发言人的Morgan Ortagus是美国反恐专家、美国海军预备役军官,在进入国务院工作前,奥塔格斯曾是美国财政部情报与分析办公室官员、美国国际开发署公共关系官员,福克斯新闻频道来宾。 (8-10 12:47)
  • ryu: 摩根·迪安·奥塔格斯的原推与春莹大妈的文字一样工整对仗, 真可谓珠联璧合 不可多得哈, 来欣赏一下: (8-10 12:49)
  • ryu: There are over 8,500 KFC restaurants in China. Palates don't cheat. #China has always been a part of Kentucky. The long lost child will eventually return home. (8-10 12:50)
  • ryu: 热闹的是在前美国国务院发言人的推文下, 在推特里活跃的我中共热爱者们一举发挥他们无愧于博士等等学位的才华, 挑战那位美国反恐专家兼公共关系官员的Morgan Ortagus, 替春莹大妈狠狠地出了口恶气, 一起来偷着乐一下 (8-10 12:58)
  • ryu: : Since China is much older than the US, should be Kentucky a part of China? (8-10 13:00)
  • ryu: 回复的更加厉害: Yes. Your concept is correct. According to Wikipedia, China established in 1949 and Taiwan established in 1912. China must be part of Taiwan. (8-10 13:00)
  • ryu: PRC hasn't even existed for 100 years. Australia is older than the PRC. (8-10 13:01)
  • ryu: Much older? I remembered China celebrated its 70th National Day not long ago (8-10 13:01)
  • ryu: If we’re true ‘Since China is much older than the US, should be Kentucky a part of China?’ Would China be a part of Egypt? (8-10 13:02)
  • ryu: If they take Mitch McConnell also we have a deal. 这位仁兄会玩 ! (8-10 13:03)
  • ryu: There are 398 McDonald, 177 KFC and 47 BurgerKing in Taiwan. We request to be the 51st state of the US please. Nobody wants to be part of China.这位很悲呛哈 ! (8-10 13:08)
  • ryu: "Nobody wants to be part of China" 是一个令博士们也头痛的问题啊 ! (8-10 13:09)
  • ryu: Oh dear, didn't you know?  You need to fight for what you want.  Not put you hopes and dreams into colonialism.  Joint the army!  Right now is a wonderful timing with all the PLA  around the island. (8-10 13:11)
  • ryu: 真的吗, 现在围绕着台岛的都是PLA么 ? PLA有这么多 ? 海话哈 . (8-10 13:13)
  • ryu: Of course, we have been preparing for it. You should push PLA harder to fire as soon as they can. Otherwise the whole world will know they and CCP are just a pathetic joke. (8-10 13:15)
  • ryu: 这些玩家们个个都是短平快, 如果让我村的浮萍兄捣糊进去了 给大伙们一个1,2,3,4, 从哲理到道德, 从文明到儒雅, 不涉主语不设宾语 啰嗦只吐一半, 顿时让大伙们都央萎了吧 ? (8-10 13:23)
  • 浮平: 嗯,这里还有个 1234 --- https://www.backchina.com/blog/364854/article-363289.html (8-10 22:35)
  • ryu: 把1234进行到底哈! (8-11 09:14)
  • 浮平: 看兴趣 (8-11 09:36)
2022-8-10 12:45 回复|

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