
作者:海攀  于 2011-10-19 22:40 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村











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2 回复 海攀 2011-10-20 05:55
smartman: 1.  LZ, looks like Zheng Wei did not invite Liu Juan to join the party?  Though Liu is not from Zheng's department, as his good friend, Zheng should h ...
2 回复 海攀 2011-10-20 05:55
2 回复 海攀 2011-10-20 05:56
rongrongrong: 过程和我想像的一摸一样
2 回复 海攀 2011-10-20 05:56
rongrongrong: 郑卫是金子,杨小静更是金子
2 回复 海攀 2011-10-20 05:57
德州龙: 开个会,就晚了哈. 杨小静背叛郑卫而嫁巴老头是不可饶恕的. 她可以离家出走,她有工作可以养活她自己.
2 回复 海攀 2011-10-20 05:57
TCM: 继续前行
2 回复 海攀 2011-10-20 05:58
smartman: okay, agree with you!  yang has to bear this burden for her lifetime.  god will punish her someday sooner or later.
2 回复 smartman 2011-10-20 06:04
海攀: 德叔很生气,后果很严重:)
haha, i said before that zheng could have forgiven yang.  but 德叔很生气, so i changed my mind to claim yang is unforgivable.  support 德叔!
2 回复 德州龙 2011-10-20 07:01
海攀: 离婚可以改嫁呀。
2 回复 erbaiwu 2011-10-20 07:23
smartman: haha, i said before that zheng could have forgiven yang.  but 德叔很生气, so i changed my mind to claim yang is unforgivable.  support 德叔!
Well, I have resisted the temptation to air this misgiving in public, but this fiction is coming close to an epilogue,I am overwhelmed by irrational impulse to reveal what is in mind.Based on one-sided, extreme and harsh comment you proffered regarding yang, my gut feeling is you suffered similar misfortune befell David previously, in pretty much analogous situation, which undoubtedly compelled you to reasonably harbor grudge against ladies who perpetrated similar horror. Sorry, I apologize if my feeling is utterly unfounded, without any rational basis, but your comments in combination, over an extended period of time, gave rise to this unmistakable impression.
2 回复 smartman 2011-10-20 10:33
erbaiwu: Well, I have resisted the temptation to air this misgiving in public, but this fiction is coming close to an epilogue,I am overwhelmed by irrational i ...
i said more than once already in my previous posting, do not Dui Hao Ruo Zuo.  I do not intend to brag about myself.  in reality, quite the countrary, i am very successful in my study with best and highest degrees from China and US best schools and my profession with excellent career track records.  it does not need to be a misfortune to show compassions for Zheng.  it is personal philosophy and ethnical judgement.  i always deem a betrayal the worst person in this world.  this is not necessarily against a female.  it could also be against a male if a man did the same thing.

i said once, your name and my name are on the opposite sides of the world.  so, your statement forced me to conclude you easily jump into an unfounded conclusion and fall into this type of people.
2 回复 海攀 2011-10-20 11:14
smartman: haha, i said before that zheng could have forgiven yang.  but 德叔很生气, so i changed my mind to claim yang is unforgivable.  support 德叔!
2 回复 海攀 2011-10-20 11:15
德州龙: 那不一样,离了婚再嫁和没离婚就和别人勾搭上了性质完全不同
2 回复 erbaiwu 2011-10-20 11:22
smartman: i said more than once already in my previous posting, do not Dui Hao Ruo Zuo.  I do not intend to brag about myself.  in reality, quite the countrary, ...
Haha, then here comes my unreserved and unremitting apology. For sake of friendly spat," in reality, quite the contrary, i am very successful in my study and career with best and highest degrees from China and US best schools and with excellent career track records. "  This is also manifestly true of David, he just took an unconventional route to admittedly glowing success,his Alma Maters are second to none as well. I can't agree more that our value system is shaped by our upbringing and experience, I would attribute your strong and entrenched defence of professed personal philosophy, on account of your impeccable rearing now, which is clearly steeped in the consummate Confucian teaching of unwavering loyalty and commitment. There is one point I beg to differ, I did not make a conclusion in my initial post, I just raised a point, but I can't agree more with what you conclusively reached in the end, I am a quintessential embodiment of my account name,hahah,I am that I am.
2 回复 生于70‘S 2011-10-20 12:25
2 回复 BL_518 2011-10-21 01:50

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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