
作者:海攀  于 2011-10-30 02:00 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村











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回复 maryuvic 2011-10-31 11:46
smartman: 哇,LZ还没回话,你来替他打包不平啦?
回复 maryuvic 2011-10-31 11:47
smartman: try something else.  your name is pretty unique and maybe a conundrum.  i am trying to decipher your name but am unable to.

巴尔扎克说过,第一个把女人 ...
you know why? because the simpliest thing is the most complicated:)
回复 maryuvic 2011-10-31 11:48
海攀: 还有两贴结束!朋友们准备收心,我也要好好休息一下了:)
好好休息一下。YOU DESERVE IT. 想用中文说,不知道怎么说了。希望LZ出版顺利。有机会可以一年写一本啊:)
回复 smartman 2011-10-31 13:36
maryuvic: 楼主太不容易了,不支持他支持谁啊:) 
gee, are you writing a blank check to render unconditional support?
回复 BL_518 2011-11-1 04:34
海攀: 还有两贴结束!朋友们准备收心,我也要好好休息一下了:)
回复 BL_518 2011-11-1 04:35
回复 maryuvic 2011-11-1 04:58
smartman: gee, are you writing a blank check to render unconditional support?
what a surprise waited a whole day for this new episode and still not posted yet...
回复 maryuvic 2011-11-1 05:02
海攀: 太贪了!6R就可以了:)
生活有目标了:) 6篇是我的目标。现在有一篇了,再发5篇。LOL
回复 smartman 2011-11-1 05:25
maryuvic: what a surprise waited a whole day for this new episode and still not posted yet...
me, too.  i keep checking all the day and am almost ready to get off work and return.  a final check before i leave office. found the posting.  to become your follower as 2nd. :-)
回复 maryuvic 2011-11-2 10:33
   haha. The good thing is that I don't work full time. So I just checked, checked, checked. It is not that I want to occupy sofa, it is just I felt that I can't do anything without reading the novel. Especially knowing that I can't read it anymore, only 1 or days. I stopped checking internet/website during my working hours as I am not quite proficient in computer and my working computer was down 3 times due to virus during the 2 years I work there. So lesson learned, just work, haha, during working hours:) I checked so many times yesterday.....don't mean to occupy the sofa, totally because I checked so many times...
1 ...234

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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