
作者:三Y老豆  于 2011-6-10 05:41 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村











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回复 nierdaye 2011-6-12 13:55
三Y老豆: 说对了,抱着你的感觉真好
等我也有了这样的大摩托,如果后坐是一个规规矩矩的中年中国大妈- 我老婆,大家一定很失望
回复 hog4oc 2011-6-13 02:30
snortbsd: for asians, owning a harley isn't that uncommon, but being a part of "american bikers", that would be a very different story...
Don't understand what do you mean "uncommon" - if you refer me riding the heavest Harley Road King ELHT, being taller than most of them (6"4), owning a sucessful business in US - having lots of whiteman working for me, and used to be law enforcement for the federal goverment.

Whiteman is not scared, you just have to show them that you are confident, sucessful, caring gentleman and respect their tradition.
1 回复 snortbsd 2011-6-13 11:02
hog4oc: Don't understand what do you mean "uncommon" - if you refer me riding the heavest Harley Road King ELHT, being taller than most of them  ...
wow, you tossed out a lot of heavy information, way beyond me...

the word of "uncommon" referred to the fact i saw asian looking guys riding harley. no, those i saw weren't tall at all, median built, average joe type. i had no clues who they were, what they do in their lives. nor did i care for that.

as to my comments of "different story", i meant that riding a harley is one thing, but being a part of those clubs/gangs is another...

6"4? dude, are you sure about that??? just kidding, i knew it was typo...

i am 5'9", fat, ugly and smelly. struggling for a job and used to be the secretary of department of defense (not!... )...
回复 snortbsd 2011-6-13 11:03
三Y老豆: 哈雷迷每年要在路上至少跑两万里
yeah, you just don't have that time. it isn't a hobby, it is a life style...
回复 三Y老豆 2011-6-13 12:20
snortbsd: yeah, you just don't have that time. it isn't a hobby, it is a life style...
“LIVE To RIDE”经典名句就刻在哈雷摩托车的发动机上
回复 hog4oc 2011-6-14 03:17
They said " You got to have a Harley to have the life style" or "Everyone can drive a nice car but not everyone can ride a Harley". I started to ride Harley since 2000 and put about 68,000 miles on it. I don't care about clubs or gangs, I just want to ride.
回复 hog4oc 2011-6-14 03:18
My old job at Department of Justice was busting gangs.
回复 三Y老豆 2011-6-14 04:20
hog4oc: They said " You got to have a Harley to have the life style" or "Everyone can drive a nice car but not everyone can ride a Harley ...
1 回复 三Y老豆 2011-6-14 04:22
hog4oc: My old job at Department of Justice was busting gangs.
“地狱天使”Hells Angels就是受到限制的摩托车帮派

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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