中西三八妇女节比较 中国的太娱乐,北美根本就不过

作者:无为村姑  于 2012-3-7 13:29 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村












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2 回复 无为村姑 2012-3-8 01:53
活水涌泉: 几乎都忘了三八节,你一说,想起来了。
Enjoy the flower if not anything else~
2 回复 无为村姑 2012-3-8 01:54
专治蛋疼2: 为什么狠多在天朝标榜的“国际性”节日,在美国,加拿大都没有的
Do you mean if we do not have a day off, that means we do not have this holiday?
2 回复 无为村姑 2012-3-8 01:54
穿鞋的蜻蜓: 恭喜!
For what? For not having a half day off, not having a free movie tichket?
2 回复 无为村姑 2012-3-8 01:56
白露为霜: 在美国没有过。
Yes, the same because the women there think they have the equal rights as men.
2 回复 无为村姑 2012-3-8 01:57
hanfeng109: 村姑妇女节快乐!

大概美国加拿大妇女地位很高,女权主义势力很强, 所以不需要这样的节日了吧.   
You are absolutely right! Thanks!
2 回复 无为村姑 2012-3-8 01:57
dwqdaniel: 祝姑姐及女士们节日快乐!
I told you we do not have a holiday here!
2 回复 无为村姑 2012-3-8 01:57
秋天的云: 在国内过“三八”节,有时候单位也发点礼物,然后就是男士的祝词:“哦,今天该你们歪,不惹你们。”
Yes, in we here, this day is a holiday.
2 回复 无为村姑 2012-3-8 01:59
蓝天绿地: not on US calendar
No, because American women have the equal rights as men.
2 回复 专治蛋疼2 2012-3-8 03:11
无为村姑: Do you mean if we do not have a day off, that means we do not have this holiday?
I mean every festival in China which named International is not real.  Nobody even knew that out of China
2 回复 无为村姑 2012-3-8 03:21
专治蛋疼2: I mean every festival in China which named International is not real.  Nobody even knew that out of China
It is an "international" day, but not a holiday here.
2 回复 孔甲己 2012-3-8 04:01
2 回复 无为村姑 2012-3-8 04:23
孔甲己: 村姑木锉.
wooden file?
2 回复 穿鞋的蜻蜓 2012-3-8 04:52
无为村姑: For what? For not having a half day off, not having a free movie tichket?
Well, for the symbolic(maybe even more) blessings that this special will bring you girls~
2 回复 秋天的云 2012-3-8 05:18
无为村姑: Yes, in we here, this day is a holiday.
2 回复 无为村姑 2012-3-8 06:02
穿鞋的蜻蜓: Well, for the symbolic(maybe even more) blessings that this special will bring you girls~
Thank you  
2 回复 孔甲己 2012-3-8 06:44
无为村姑: wooden file?
The file is made of wood?
2 回复 浅色 2012-3-8 09:05
2 回复 元悟愚翁 2012-3-8 09:07
2 回复 liuxiaoyu 2012-3-8 09:24
2 回复 无为村姑 2012-3-8 09:36
孔甲己: The file is made of wood?
file 是銼子的意思啊~你說我木銼?
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