【音乐】Third Rate Romance ( Sammy Kershaw)(18+)

作者:青莲。  于 2012-10-6 09:14 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


关键词:Romance, about

《Third Rate Romance 》(Sammy Kershaw)

Sittin' in a tiny table in a ritzy restaurant
She was starin' at her coffee cup
He was tryin' to keep his courage up
By applyin' booze

And talk was small when they talked at all
They both knew what they wanted
There was no need to talk about it
They were old enough to scope it out
And keep it loose

She said, "you don't look like my type
But i guess you'll do"
Third rate romance
Low rent rendezvous
And he said, "i'll even tell you that i love you
If you want me to"
Third rate romance
Low rent rendezvous

When they left the bar
They got in his car
And they drove away

He drove to the family inn
She didn't even have to pretend
She didn't know what for

And he went to the desk
And made his request
While she waited outside
Then he came back with the key
She said, "give it to me
And i'll unlock the door"

She kept saying
"i've never really done this kind of thing before, have you"
Third rate romance
Low rent rendezvous
And he said, "yes i have
But only a time or two"
Third rate romance
Low rent redezvous










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0 回复 goodoctor 2012-10-6 09:31
18+ 哈哈,好看。。。
0 回复 青莲。 2012-10-6 22:21
goodoctor: 18+ 哈哈,好看。。。

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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