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kylelong 2013-2-10 07:37
hwangjinzi: 谢谢! 新年年轻快乐!
kylelong 2013-2-9 22:23
tsueict 2013-1-25 00:53
hwangjinzi: 谷歌拼音输入法 <a  target="_blank">http://www.google.com/intl/zh-CN/ime/pinyin/</a>
Valuable information. i will start to learn it. have a nice work day and coming weekend.
tsueict 2013-1-24 21:53
hwangjinzi: 呵呵我明白你的意思了,谢谢你查看我的日志,不过你既然能看懂中文怎么不可以打中文呢?下载一个输入法就不是可以打了吗? ...
谢谢. Haven't found an easy one to learn yet. Busier than usual recently due to dealing with house damages caused by Sandy visiting 2 months ago.
tsueict 2013-1-24 20:53
hwangjinzi: 可能我理解错了,请明示好吗?
Thanks for you spending time to response me. Never mind. i just thought it might be better if 'the rabbit finds a home instead the contrary'. Sorry, i am not able to type the Chinese as i mentioned. Looking for to read your more writings.

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