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wjbf 2017-4-19 02:58
SecondThought: As with your "美国债卷熊市可能遥遥无期", the history of the financial market supports this analysis. In the previous deflation-to-inflation
Thanks for your feedback. Agree that bond return will be likely low, but if German and Japan stories replay in US, bond return will be pretty good. (I hope not, not a big fan of negative rate at all)

As for equity, 1949-1958 was great, but from 1929 to 1949, there were twenty years in between. Where are we now? I doubt we are in 1949 for many reasons. For one, 1949 is end of war, and people started making babies, bringing up babies drove up consumption, then babies became new workforce, etc. We are definitely not in that kind of environment. These baby-boomers will all retire soon, and take money out from pensions ...

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