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分享 [ 诗词书画 ]:春雪
2019-2-15 08:09
雪花飞舞伴春风,一觉醒来十寸生。院校关门家里坐,屋里不闻窗外声。2019.02.13 [ ...阅读全文 ]
个人分类: 诗词|
分享 [ 诗词书画 ]:过年
2019-1-29 05:50
小时候,生活在乡村,起床听鸡鸣盼望过大年,希望能有几角压岁钱小时候过年是父亲杀猪,是母亲做豆腐,是吃半夜的水饺小时候大年初一早上,我的小名叫小日子,母亲一大早就会喊:“小日子起来没!”我回答:“起来了!“母亲听了喜上眉梢盼望新的一年生活会影响更好,年年如此小时侯二哥新婚夭折,家里人财两空母亲让我打纸 [ ...阅读全文 ]
个人分类: 诗词|
分享 [ 信仰见证 ]:造我之主,神圣全能
2019-1-18 06:43
仰望天空,浩大无垠,苍苍诸天,错杂纵横,合成整个光明系统,共宣上主创造奇功;东升西落,一轮红日,是主太初创造成绩,祂发光辉照遍万类,显示上主无限能力。清辉如雪,温柔皓月,轻轻照临静寂大地,重新自述平生故事,赞美造地恩主上帝;在她周围,无数星辰,好似万盏光耀明灯,一面游行,一面颂神,反复赞扬创造深恩。 [ ...阅读全文 ]
个人分类: 诗词|
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:Chopin's Nocturne
2019-1-17 08:06
And when the Chopin Nocturne ends And the last note says: "Goodbye" . . . Where does the golden beauty go? Does it really ever die? And when the pianist lifts his hands And the music is no more, Do others hear the afterglow Of what was heard bef [ ...阅读全文 ]
个人分类: 诗词|
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:The Song Of The Soul
2019-1-16 07:25
The Song Of The Soul
Daniel Mergler If I could trace a melody of Mozart to its source, I'm sure that I would find my own soul. Of what Utopia does Mozart speak? He turns me into a dreamer of golden dreams That reach out to the very universe itself, Joining my heart w [ ...阅读全文 ]
个人分类: 诗词|
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:Silence
2019-1-15 08:43
And when the Chopin Nocturne ends And the last note says: "Goodbye" . . . Where does the golden beauty go? Does it really ever die? And when the pianist lifts his hands And the music is no more, Do others hear the afterglow Of what was heard bef [ ...阅读全文 ]
个人分类: 诗词|
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:布满星斗的音乐
2019-1-12 09:20
The starry notes of music The starry notes of music play And beauty opens up the vistas of the mind, Leading to the jewelled, golden door, The sanctuary of the sublime. And those who seek will find, When the starry notes [ ...阅读全文 ]
个人分类: 诗词|
分享 [ 诗词书画 ]:西方,东方
2018-12-8 04:57
走在西方的风中,却不是我童年的向往 养育我的东方,现成了思念的地方。 东方有我难忘的童年伙伴,老师,同学,同事和亲友。 西方有令我感动的教会弟兄和姐妹。 东方有我难以温饱的童年记忆, 如今的东方可以乘高铁坐飞机旅游, 而西方的我却只能驾车走走。 阅过了鹅飞草长的西方再读东方的风光。 缺少色彩的 [ ...阅读全文 ]
个人分类: 诗词|

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