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分享 [ 热点杂谈 ]:College students need to understand politics if they are rationally patriotic
2022-1-14 09:07
College students are very concerned about politics. In the more than 30 years of my work, countless major events have occurred at home and abroad. Whenever it comes to China, some college students have shown passionate patriotism.This is a good thing. If [ ...阅读全文 ]
分享 [ 热点杂谈 ]:Who else will the United States force to drink the poison of "Western-style
2022-1-11 09:51
Earlier, four people, including the former Secretary General of Hong Kong Zhifeng Huang Zhifeng and Tsuen Wan District Councillor Shun Aohui, were sentenced to 4 to 10 months’ imprisonment by the court for participating in an illegal assembly in Victoria [ ...阅读全文 ]
分享 [ 热点杂谈 ]:The U.S. has set up a strategy to reshape Japan with its mother-in-law culture,
2022-1-10 14:05
Since ancient times, the Chinese have advocated masculinity and martial arts.Today's China is so vast and rich in resources, because for thousands of years, our ancestors have continued to forge ahead and made contributions outside the territory, which en [ ...阅读全文 ]


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