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京港台:2023-8-16 06:41| 来源:倍可亲特约报道 | 我来说几句



  COVID-19 疫苗打在哪条胳膊上?两针打在同一条胳膊上可能更高效!

  倍可亲特约报道(Lily)/ “打哪条胳膊?” 您接种新冠肺炎 (COVID-19) 疫苗时,护士肯定会问您这个问题。 我们通常觉得打那条胳膊并不重要,第一针和第二针都是打哪儿都行,纯粹个人习惯问题,不会对免疫效果有任何影响。 然而,一些严谨的德国科学家研究证明,两针注射在同一条胳膊还是不同的胳膊上对免疫效果有很大影响! 该研究论文的标题是“对侧和同侧 COVID-19 疫苗接种后 SARS-CoV-2 特异性体液和细胞免疫反应的差异”,发表在2023 年 8 月 11 日 eBioMedicine 上(DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ebiom.2023.104743)。

  在这项研究中,303 名从未接种过 COVID-19 疫苗或从未感染过 COVID-19 的人(性别和年龄均匀混合)被分为两组。 第一组的第一针和第二针辉瑞疫苗都注射在同一条胳膊上,第二组的第一针和第二针在不同胳膊上。 第2次接种14~15天后,两组都抽血检测。血样结果显示两组人群接种辉瑞疫苗后均诱发了强烈的免疫反应,两组的刺突特异性抗体水平和抗体结合活性相似。然而,第二组(不同胳膊注射)的抗体中和能力比第一组(相同胳膊注射)低得多,相当于第二组的体液免疫能力要低于第一组。 第二组的细胞免疫活性也明显弱于第一组,因为第二组的刺突特异性 CD8 T 细胞以及可检测到的 CD8 T 细胞的个体百分比均远低于第一组。

  到底是什么原因导致两组的免疫反应出现如此差异呢? 研究人员推测,在同一条胳膊上接种疫苗会迫使高浓度的疫苗通过相同的淋巴循环并再次强烈刺激相同的淋巴结。相反,由于身体左侧和右侧的淋巴循环是分开的,在另一条胳膊上打第二针会降低对激活的淋巴结的刺激水平。



  Boosting COVID-19 vaccine on the same arm or on a different arm? On the same arm may be more efficient!

  BackChina science (Lily)

  “Which arm?” That is a common question when you get your first and second COVID 19 jabs. We usually take for granted that it doesn’t matter. Which arm to receive the 1st and the 2nd doses is totally a decision from personal habit and it will make no differences on the vaccination results. However, a group of prudent scientists from Germany showed that to receive the 2nd jab on the same arm as your 1st one or on the different arm made big differences on the immune responses! The title of the research paper is “Differences in SARS-CoV-2 specific humoral and cellular immune responses after contralateral and ipsilateral COVID-19 vaccination”. It was published on eBioMedicine, August 11, 2023 (DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ebiom.2023.104743).

  In this research, 303 individuals (gender and age are evenly mixed), who have never received COVID-19 vaccines or have never been infected with COVID-19, were divided into two groups. Group one received both shots of the Pfizer vaccines on the same arm and group two on different arms. Blood samples were tested 14~15 days after the 2nd vaccination. Strong immune responses were induced by vaccinations in both groups. Similar spike-specific antibody levels and antibody binding activities were observed in both groups; however, humoral immunity from group two (jab on different arms) were much lower than group one (jab on the same arm), as indicated by the antibody neutralizing abilities. Cellular immunity activity from group two was also significantly weaker than group one, because spike-specific CD8 T-cells, together with the percentage of individuals with detectable CD8 T-cells, were both much lower in group two than group one.

  What is the reason that caused such differences in the immune responses? The researchers speculated that vaccination on the same arm forced the vaccines to go through the same lymph drainage and strongly stimulate the same lymph nodes. On the contrary, boosting on a different arm reduced the stimulation levels to the activated lymph nodes, because the lymph circulation on the left and right side of the body is separated.

  Based on these research results, probably the next time when you receive your boosting jab, you should expose the same biceps as you received the first one.

  Hope you still remember which arm the first jab was on!


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