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回复 举报 [ 166楼 游客 (198.228.x.x) ] 发表于 2014-7-28 04:58
155楼 游客(174.97.x.x): sadly, chinese seemed speak english, this black guy can cause a lot legal problem, they should call 911 instead, if they did that, pretty sure, the black is going to (at least) lock up for that evening
回复 举报 [ 165楼 游客 (198.228.x.x) ] 发表于 2014-7-28 04:57
155楼 游客(174.97.x.x): sadly, chinese seemed speak english, this black guy can cause a lot legal problem, they should call 911 instead, if they did that, pretty sure, the black is going to (at least) lock up for that evening
回复 举报 [ 164楼 游客 (198.228.x.x) ] 发表于 2014-7-28 04:57
155楼 游客(174.97.x.x): sadly, chinese seemed speak english, this black guy can cause a lot legal problem, they should call 911 instead, if they did that, pretty sure, the black is going to (at least) lock up for that evening
回复 举报 [ 162楼 游客 (198.29.x.x) ] 发表于 2014-7-28 03:49
161楼 游客(198.29.x.x):
回复 举报 [ 160楼 游客 (198.29.x.x) ] 发表于 2014-7-28 03:44
154楼 游客(70.197.x.x): 哈哈,你现场直播啊。大厨威武!
回复 举报 [ 159楼 游客 (50.160.x.x) ] 发表于 2014-7-27 23:39
153楼 游客(68.41.x.x): 如果需要打官司,我愿意捐款!
回复 举报 [ 158楼 游客 (74.89.x.x) ] 发表于 2014-7-27 21:28
115楼 游客(76.124.x.x): 太欢乐了!福州大厨一勺敲过去,老黑冷不防硬吃一记,混乱间一阵拉扯,大厨斗转星移,身位已换到右边,手起勺落,祭出大招,"狂勺乱舞",老黑光头上叮咚叮咚叮咚……金星乱冒下老黑挥手挡挌,正想反击,大厨借力使力又转到左边,勺子中路出击,说时迟那时快,老黑肚皮上又吃了一记,此时瘦个子远程攻击连发,狂风掃落叶,长拐仗呼啸而至,老黑自知不敌,落荒而逃……
回复 举报 [ 157楼 游客 (96.224.x.x) ] 发表于 2014-7-27 13:41
132楼 游客(69.172.x.x): 美国底层人民的生活现状。黑暗。无论你是什么族裔。无论片中谁赢谁输,都是生活的输家。
回复 举报 [ 156楼 游客 (24.86.x.x) ] 发表于 2014-7-27 10:07
[ 68楼 游客 (50.184.x.x) ] 发表于 2014-7-26 05:03 58楼 游客(209.141.x.x): 打得好!!!打得好!!!打得好!!!打得好!!!打得好!!!打得好!!!打得好!!!打得好!!!打得好!!!打得好!!!打得好!!!打得好!!!打得好!!!打得好!!!打得好!!!打得好!!!打得好!!!打得好!!!打得好!!!打得好!!!打得好!!!打得好!!!打得好!!!打得好!!!打得好!!!打得好!!!打得好!!!打得好!!!打得好!!!打得好!!!打得好!!!打得好!!!打得好!!!打得好!!!打得好!!!打得好!!!打得好!!!打得好!!!打得好!!!打得好!!!打得好!!!打得好!!!打得好!!!打得好!!!打得好!!!打得好!!!打得好!!!打得好!!!打得好!!!打得好!!!打得好!!!打得好!!!打得好!!!打得好!!!打得好!!!打得好!!!打得好!!!打得好!!!打得好!!!打得好!!!打得好!!!打得好!!!打得好!!!打得好!!!打得好!!!打得好!!!打得好!!!打得好!!!打得好!!!打得好!!!打得好!!!打得好!!!打得好!!!
回复 举报 [ 155楼 游客 (174.97.x.x) ] 发表于 2014-7-27 10:00
sadly, chinese seemed speak english, this black guy can cause a lot legal problem, they should call 911 instead, if they did that, pretty sure, the black is going to (at least) lock up for that evening
回复 举报 [ 154楼 游客 (70.197.x.x) ] 发表于 2014-7-27 05:44
115楼 游客(76.124.x.x): 太欢乐了!福州大厨一勺敲过去,老黑冷不防硬吃一记,混乱间一阵拉扯,大厨斗转星移,身位已换到右边,手起勺落,祭出大招,"狂勺乱舞",老黑光头上叮咚叮咚叮咚……金星乱冒下老黑挥手挡挌,正想反击,大厨借力使力又转到左边,勺子中路出击,说时迟那时快,老黑肚皮上又吃了一记,此时瘦个子远程攻击连发,狂风掃落叶,长拐仗呼啸而至,老黑自知不敌,落荒而逃……
回复 举报 [ 153楼 游客 (68.41.x.x) ] 发表于 2014-7-27 05:12
回复 举报 [ 150楼 游客 (76.243.x.x) ] 发表于 2014-7-27 03:29
北卡华裔教授遭非裔抢劫身亡 两嫌犯被捕: 中午饭后校园散步被黑人打死 南加大中国留学生被袭击头部致死: 午夜实验后开车送别人回家,自己去附近街区找停车位,被黑人打死。 华人等黑人先动手?只有死路一条。
回复 举报 [ 149楼 游客 (98.64.x.x) ] 发表于 2014-7-27 03:18
133楼 游客(83.84.x.x): 是华人先动手,在美国会有麻烦吗,虽然是黑人恶言相加在先。
.   看清楚了,是老黑先动手打右边那个中国人。
回复 举报 [ 148楼 游客 (98.64.x.x) ] 发表于 2014-7-27 02:46
133楼 游客(83.84.x.x): 是华人先动手,在美国会有麻烦吗,虽然是黑人恶言相加在先。
.   看清楚了,是老黑先动手打右边那个中国人。

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