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18 回复 举报 [ 143楼 游客 (198.91.x.x) ] 发表于 2018-9-16 13:04
11 回复 举报 [ 142楼 游客 (73.140.x.x) ] 发表于 2018-9-16 12:56
15 回复 举报 [ 141楼 游客 (47.156.x.x) ] 发表于 2018-9-16 12:53
13 回复 举报 [ 140楼 游客 (99.227.x.x) ] 发表于 2018-9-16 12:18
9 回复 举报 [ 139楼 游客 (99.247.x.x) ] 发表于 2018-9-16 12:16
19 回复 举报 [ 138楼 流氓会武艺 ] 发表于 2018-9-16 11:56
19 回复 举报 [ 137楼 Rottie ] 发表于 2018-9-16 11:30
那家是大车店,不是酒店。  酒店绝不会把客人轰出去。  早到的客人多了,几乎每天都常有的事。  办完入住手续后,可以坐在大厅的沙发上等待。  如果是大车店之类的小旅店,可能没有地方让客人坐等。  那就只能自己想办法了。    乱闹耍赖在国外是不能被容忍的。  不像在国内,耍赖狡辩就能得逞。外国警察不像中国警察,人家严格执法,大吵大闹屁用没有。
13 回复 举报 [ 136楼 游客 (73.172.x.x) ] 发表于 2018-9-16 11:25
时差没搞清楚。。。行程没安排好。。。这都不是错! 那么你凌晨抵达。。。想入住,当然酒店有理由多收你一天或半天房费; 如果没有空房或不愿意出钱,当然酒店不能答应你几个人躺在大堂这么长时间;如果生病,可以请大堂经理帮助联系医院或其它酒店休息。 不要忘了, 酒店有权利不答应他们躺在大堂休息! 要是在美国, 不听劝阻, 可能会被控Disorderly conduct 扰乱社会治安行为。
8 回复 举报 [ 135楼 游客 (207.178.x.x) ] 发表于 2018-9-16 11:16
6 回复 举报 [ 134楼 游客 (207.178.x.x) ] 发表于 2018-9-16 11:14
14 回复 举报 [ 133楼 游客 (70.106.x.x) ] 发表于 2018-9-16 11:07
老老实实在家呆着吧, 别出国闹啦,求求你们啦好不?
1 回复 举报 [ 132楼 游客 (72.31.x.x) ] 发表于 2018-9-16 11:06
Winston • 16 minutes ago Sometimes it's just difficult to communicate in an alien culture where people don't have a tradition of respecting elders. Sure, the Chinese tourists came too early, but was it really necessary to evict the elders with illness in the middle of the night with low temperature outside when all they asked was to stay at the hotel lobby until morning? Barbaric culture sticks to rule of laws only because their "superior" morals are incapable of respecting the elders and protecting the sicks that Chinese people have been accustomed to for thousands of years.
1 回复 举报 [ 131楼 游客 (72.31.x.x) ] 发表于 2018-9-16 11:04
Is that the way people in the business (hotel and police) handle their guests (yes, visitors are your guests; your guest next day is your guest half a day earlier than checking in). You can say it is trespassing in a strict sense, but come on, I come to your place as guest, the trespassing is only true when you are not hospitable although it is probably standard of care how people in the business treat people. To make it simple, the staff and the business and police all should have treated visitors the way who they are - your guests. Police should not be permitted to leave visitors in the middle of night to danger, which is against their duties. Chinese hotel staff and police would have been much more accommodating to visitor needs.
0 回复 举报 [ 130楼 游客 (72.31.x.x) ] 发表于 2018-9-16 11:02
If my flight is early or did not plan well, and arrived early for a little, say 11 AM, should any hotel leave me outside waiting? I understand they came too early. But they came from a different country and parents likely ill (how serious is difficult to tell). You could not say a person that looks OK is definitely OK. A person may be playing sports and die. For whatever reason, it is difficult for the traveler to go anywhere in a strange city, strange country to find another place on foot in the middle of night however you look at it even in the situation when you have a car. Well, let me say it is understandable to refuse them and not providing any help. But police drags them and throw them in the wilderness where they are exposed to all kinds of safety issue, they could be killed or attacked?
4 回复 举报 [ 129楼 Cw2018 ] 发表于 2018-9-16 10:27
1 回复 举报 [ 128楼 游客 (24.156.x.x) ] 发表于 2018-9-16 10:19
2 回复 举报 [ 127楼 象是一人 ] 发表于 2018-9-16 10:10
6 回复 举报 [ 126楼 象是一人 ] 发表于 2018-9-16 10:03
124楼 游客(72.31.x.x): 旅店早到一些,大厅里应该都可以等候一下的 - 这里的情况是可能早的太多。但客人毕竟是客人,把客人抬出去,有些荒唐。有些像是那个大夫被联航抬下去的情况。尤其是外国人,有沟通不明白的地方,更应以客相待。把外国人抬到荒郊野外,不交代清楚,扔掉,黑夜里有种种危险。说不过去。
1 回复 举报 [ 125楼 游客 (67.244.x.x) ] 发表于 2018-9-16 10:01
2 回复 举报 [ 124楼 游客 (72.31.x.x) ] 发表于 2018-9-16 10:00
旅店早到一些,大厅里应该都可以等候一下的 - 这里的情况是可能早的太多。但客人毕竟是客人,把客人抬出去,有些荒唐。有些像是那个大夫被联航抬下去的情况。尤其是外国人,有沟通不明白的地方,更应以客相待。把外国人抬到荒郊野外,不交代清楚,扔掉,黑夜里有种种危险。说不过去。

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