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  • 真实姓名与神同行的人
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  • 生日1952 年
  • 出生地中国 北京
  • 居住地美国 佛罗里达
  • 毕业学校None
  • 学历本科



跨界泰斗的合影 2023-11-08
1936年,卓别林来华旅游,路过上海时探望老友梅兰芳。梅兰芳在“梅华诗屋”, 备香茗美点,迎接这位国际知名的艺术大师。 這一年,林語堂落脚美國,開始
最有礼数的合影 2023-11-08
我在中国92-99年拼命打工,拼命省钱,也没存到钱 2023-03-10
我在中国92-99年拼命打工,拼命省钱,也没存到钱 作者: qwxqwsean   于 2023-3-9 01:06 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络
專業思考--計算機類 2022-12-04
我有個在美國讀計算機科學的經歷。就接觸了這樣一個博士。當時他還在念博士。 美國人。他本科在一所美國名牌大學讀計算機信息管理,成績優異。但是自從上了
game programming patterns 2022-11-22
berkly computer prof 2022-11-22
main web https://people.eecs.berkeley.edu/~bh/ book https://people.eecs.berkeley.edu/~bh/pdf/


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pidy 2024-12-5 06:28
Optical glasses making
pidy 2024-8-30 01:33
They mocked Matthew Perry as ‘Chandler’ and ‘moron.’ Actor was exploited before his death, feds say

U.S. Atty. Martin Estrada said during a news conference this month that those charged in the case “cared more about profiting off of Mr. Perry than caring for his well-being.”

“Drug dealers selling dangerous substances are gambling with other people’s lives over greed,” he said.
pidy 2024-6-16 07:52
鬥智 我在非洲象牙海岸開店的時候,有天收到一件很漂亮的紗紗裙子,可是上面有一點髒污,我就請傭人小心的洗洗,結果裙子洗得很乾淨,可是裙擺那邊的蕾絲被毁容了,都縐在一起,別提有多難看。 離我們服裝店很近的地方,有一個法國人開的進口蕾絲專賣店,我就把裙子帶去,請那邊的老闆娘幫我量一下,在她的建議下選了一款很漂亮的瑞士蕾絲,她說買四尺就夠了,我不放心還買了五尺。回來要裁縫趕快把舊的拆掉,換上新的。沒多久他就拿來給我看,就還缺了四公分。我說沒關係,就叫店員羅伯去買半尺,把錢給了他,而且還把那個裙子帶去給 ...
pidy 2024-4-29 12:00
I fled an extremist Jewish cult in Guatemala when I was 15 years old. I grew up with virtually no education and wasn't allowed to show love to my parents.

pidy 2024-4-24 09:03
Insurance does not cover neurolens directly, but you can often use your frame allowance to cover some of the cost. A discount vision plan, a health savings account (HSA) or other health care spending account, and financing options can also help you to offset the cost of neurolens. Headaches, eye strain and irritation, and neck and shoulder tension can significantly impact your daily life. Neurolenses may be more expensive, but the price is often worth the results. References ...
pidy 2024-4-6 00:59
How much does IPL eye treatment cost? Precision Eye - Cataract and Laser Eye Surgery - Optometrist ... On average, IPL treatment costs between $800 -1200 for the recommended treatments of three to four sessions split two weeks apart. If you heard of IPL therapy and would like to learn more about this innovative treatment, schedule your consultation at Precision Eye Care. Lumenis, the inventor of IPL, presents the first and only IPL FDA-approved for the management of dry eye disease d ...
pidy 2024-4-6 00:57
作者:灰姑娘 链接: https://www.zhihu.com/question/25392121/answer/311951521 来源:知乎 著作权归作者所有。商业转载请联系作者获得授权,非商业转载请注明出处。 假如想在任何一个职业做出比较高水平的效果,都需求你所罗列的这些实质,而且我还要加上一条,就是高度的责任感和事业心。只要把作业当成生命的一部分,你才有热情和精力尽力发明出更好的成绩。 一、单选题(每题2分,共20题) 1、以下哪项关于技能学习进程对安排产生的影响,描绘是错的(C)           A、安排性 ...
pidy 2024-4-6 00:18
CANADA B.C. https://www.180optometry.com/ortho-k-versus-misight-costs Cost of MiSight 1-Day Contact Lenses *Range:  $1,300-$1,500 (for the first year) includes initial consultation fee, a year supply of contacts, insertion/removal training, and 6 follow-up care appointments. *cost range does not change with higher myopic pres**tions. Costs for the second year and following years of MiSight use are about $850/yr. This covers the price for:     *6 month c ...
pidy 2024-2-14 00:39
华人第一家族之女 丧偶再嫁成脸书老板娘  赵安吉  Angerla A. Chao
www.*** | 2017-05-18
2024 FEB 12.  die 50 yo
pidy 2023-11-17 05:57

pidy 2023-11-8 01:59

pidy 2023-7-19 02:12
spelling Bee
https://spellingandvocabularyinstruction.weebly dot com/spelling-skills.html
pidy 2023-5-8 02:42
VBA Veteran 60s now
pidy 2023-1-16 10:37
https://evershineoptical.com.sg/2021/05/22/hoya-miyosmart-review-is-it-effective/#:~:text=The%20cost%20of%20Hoya%20MiYOSMART ,the%20lens%20to%20be%20thinner). Is Hoya MiYOSMART worth it? Myopia control lenses usually cost more than normal single vision lenses. The cost of Hoya MiYOSMART is $530 per pair with features of impact resistant material and high index lens (allows the lens to be thinner). It also comes with a complimentary pair of Hoya single vision lenses worth up to $240 for y ...
pidy 2023-1-16 10:17
https://eye-bar.ca/miyosmart-eyeglass-lenses-for-myopia-control-treatment-in-kids How Much Do MiyoSmart Eyeglasses Cost? MiyoSmart lenses are a premium lens design similar to digitally surfaced progressive lenses. They go through a unique state-of-the-art manufacturing process to create the proprietary honeycomb reading pattern on the lens, creating the myopia control design. The MiyoSmart is a cost-effective alternative when you compare the cost to regular eyeglasses & pres**tion ...
pidy 2023-1-2 05:31
sep 2022

They discussed the Future Vision Leaders Forgivable Loan Program, a geographically based loan program through FYi. ODs matched to a rural area in Canada will receive $100,000 for five years at the location.

The Scholars Program at NECO will provide these students with a forgivable loan of $100,000 USD to cover 3rd and 4th-year tuition to work at FYi after graduation for five years based on where demand is and a ranking system.


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