
作者:深秋的云  于 2009-5-29 05:31 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村





There are a lot of people I have met in my not very short life, with many of them we just stop at being acquaintance; with a few of them if we both are lucky we have grown to become friends. The reason I said lucky is because it is such a strange feeling sometimes you held for somebody. Someone we got attracted to their appearance, you can’t resist to pass them by without stop and say HI even you know their personalities may not as cute as their appearances; someone is so sympathetic and easy to talk to that you simply can’t wait to share your thoughts and feelings; someone is just your type that they fit everything you want for being a good friend or being your beau; someone is you “go to person”, you two click the moment you met, the same experience you had and the same values you share pave the way to make you the soul mate.

I want to have a soul mate since I was a little girl. I was always wondering what is like to have a soul mate, someone you trust beyond yourself and someone knows you better than anyone else? I wanted to have a friend like Diana in “Anne of Green Gables”, the novels I read when I was 15. I imaged myself being Anne and had a friend like Diana. We confided in each other and did all the activities together. My life was full of adventure and fun. Even we grew apart when we grew up, but we stay best friend forever, ever. We would be each other’s maid of honor; I would be her son’s godmother; she would be my daughter’s favorite aunty; she would help me plan my daughter’s wedding and I would fly thousands of miles to be with her when her husband pass away. That’s what best friends do, isn’t it? There is a shoulder you can always rely on; there is one person who is always at your side.

 I always want to have a friend like that yet I never have. I am still searching for that person the one I think could be my soul mate.










发表评论 评论 (6 个评论)

0 回复 carpe.diem 2009-5-29 10:51
come on.  give it up.
1 回复 深秋的云 2009-5-29 20:25
0 回复 milu 2009-5-29 21:10
深秋的云: why?
It will be hard to find the somebody according your novel! GIVE IT UP!
1 回复 kylelong 2009-5-29 22:06
0 回复 stellabao 2009-5-29 22:25
hei, nice to see you. I think everyone is searching friends who you can talkwith and who you would like to share your life with in your whole life.but i think maybe the person you are finding is just around you. if you can share your life with them more sincerely, you will find them finally. i wish you can find what you want.
1 回复 深秋的云 2009-6-1 02:07
well, i don't want to give up. i know it's not something you can control, but i feel my life is not complete if i don't have a soul mate.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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