A small world

作者:散落的雪  于 2009-2-11 08:03 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村



A small world


The sky is so big, sometimes you have to get one of those giant word to describe it. However, the world could become really small, somehow as small as your neighborhood.


Speaking of neighborhood, I’ve been running into one of my elementary school classmates without even knowing it until two years later, when she called again to weep how things were breaking into pieces in her life. We chatted a few things back in her good times, then how life used to be so simple and we sort of shrinking back ages. Then we exchanged our Chinese names, all the sudden, she burst into such cheerful voice and recognized me as her 3rd grade classmate. I wasn’t sure how much the sadness had been gone, but she definitely felt closer to home, cause she smile again.


That night, luckily it was a starry night. I stared at the sky, let the memories keep running throw my head, all the bits and pieces were flowing up to the giant sky turn into sparkling stars, when some of them connected, it becomes a small world of joy.


Feb 10, 2009










发表评论 评论 (18 个评论)

0 回复 kylelong 2009-2-11 08:30
The world is so huge, but sometime it is just in your heart !
1 回复 散落的雪 2009-2-11 08:50
kylelong: The world is so huge, but sometime it is just in your heart !
when it becomes smaller, i might bump into a long lost friend~~
4 回复 绿水潭 2009-2-11 10:59
The world is continuously getting smaller, for sure.
2 回复 同往锡安 2009-2-11 14:16
1 回复 janew 2009-2-11 17:40
Life is full of surprise......joy will knock your heart.
1 回复 散落的雪 2009-2-11 22:26
绿水潭: The world is continuously getting smaller, for sure.
and warmer~~haha
1 回复 散落的雪 2009-2-11 22:28
janew: Life is full of surprise......joy will knock your heart.
yeap, such a good feeling
1 回复 绿水潭 2009-2-11 22:33
散落的雪: and warmer~~haha
Well, warmer is better unless the global warming, ha.
3 回复 散落的雪 2009-2-11 22:38
同往锡安: 岁月如歌~
1 回复 Dust 2009-2-11 22:53
2 回复 散落的雪 2009-2-12 01:45
Dust: 老顽童看不懂英文,雪儿别为难我了,比踢我还难受!哼哼哼,哈哈哈。。。
1 回复 Dust 2009-2-12 01:53
散落的雪: 非踢你不可啦~~
1 回复 散落的雪 2009-2-12 12:01
Dust: 打是爱,骂是疼。
4 回复 Dust 2009-2-12 19:54
散落的雪: 衰人~~“小沈阳”
1 回复 散落的雪 2009-2-12 23:07
Dust: 你骂小沈阳?小心东北人跟你急。
3 回复 Dust 2009-2-13 00:06
散落的雪: 我打出生,我妈就跟我急---现在的东北老太太
1 回复 qazwsxqaz 2009-2-14 22:19
记得有一首歌叫 The small world,很好听。  去年夏天看到有做成八音盒的在卖,45美元。虽然贵了点咬了咬牙还是买了回来。
2 回复 散落的雪 2009-2-14 22:42
qazwsxqaz: 记得有一首歌叫 The small world,很好听。  去年夏天看到有做成八音盒的在卖,45美元。虽然贵了点咬了咬牙还是买了回来。

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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