
作者:kylelong  于 2011-3-3 06:07 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村



Diagnosing and treating



            A slight infection.轻微感染

            An operation is needed to remove your tonsils.你的扁桃体要做手术拿掉。

            By the look of it, it should be a rash.表面上看,应该是皮疹。

            By the sound of it, it’s bronchitis.听声音,应该是支气管炎。

            I don’t think it’s anything serious.我并不认为很严重。

            I should say you’ve caught cold.我觉得你是伤风感冒。

            I should think you’ve got the flu.我觉得你是得了流感。

            I think you need a shot to deaden the pain first.我觉得你要先打一针以减缓疼痛。

            If your recovery goes on like this, you can leave in three days.如果按照这样恢复,3天后就可以出院了。

            I’ll give you an injection first.我先给你打一针。

            I’ll give you a shot, I’m afraid.恐怕我要给你打一针。

            I’m afraid an urgent operation is necessary.我觉得你要做一个紧急手术。

            I’m afraid you’ll have to be operated on for appendicitis.我觉得你不得不做一个阑尾炎手术。

            It could be a case of TB.这是一个TB(肺结核)病例。

            It looks as if it’s scarlet fever.看起来像猩红热。

            It looks like measles.看起来像麻疹。

            It sounds as if you’ve caught cold.听起来像伤风感冒。

            It sounds like bronchitis.听起来像支气管炎。

            It’s an acute case.这是一个急性病例。

            It’s inflammation of the skin.这是皮炎。

            It’s not so serious as it seems.似乎并不十分严重。

            It’s nothing but a little infection in the finger tip.并无大碍,但指尖有轻微感染。

            It’s nothing serious, but you’d better stay in bed. 并不严重,但你必须呆在床上。

            Let me give you a needle to numb the tooth.我给你打一针,让牙齿麻木。

            Nothing serious. 并不严重。

            The tooth will have to be taken out.这颗牙齿要拔掉。

            The X-ray shows a fractured ankle. X光片显示踝关节断裂。

            There’s a bad virus going around here and that’s probably what it is.病毒在这四周,这可能就是关键。

            There’s a marked improvement in your condition.你的健康状况明显改善。

            There’s nothing to be alarmed about.没什么需要提醒注意(担心)的。

            The infection may lead to respiratory complications.感染可能导致呼吸并发症。

            Well, it could be a simple sprain. But I think to be on the safe side, we ought to have it X-rayed.这是单一的扭伤,但我觉得安全起见,我们应该做一个X光检查。

            You must be hospitalized right now.现在你必须就医。

            You must have your appendix removed.你必须切除阑尾。

            You must have your tooth extracted.你必须拔牙。

            You need an injection.你需要打针。

            You probably have contracted the flu.你可能感染了流感。

            You seem to have picked up some kind of infection.你似乎有一些感染。

            You’ll be all right soon.你不久就会痊愈。

            You’ll be treated for a fracture of the bone.你的骨折必须处理。

            You’ll get over it soon.你不久就会恢复。

            You’ll have an immediate operation.你需要立即手术。

            You’ll have to be operated on.你需要做手术。

            You’ll have to have your decayed tooth pulled out.你必须拔掉你的齵齿。

            You’ll have to stay in the hospital for observation for two days.你必须呆在医院观察两天。

            You’ll recover in two or three days.两三天就会恢复。

            Your case is not very serious.你的病情并不严重。

            Your left thumb suffers a comminuted fracture.你左拇指是粉碎性骨折。

            Your rheumatism should take a course of treatment for about a month.你的风湿要花大约一个月的处理疗程。

            You’re suffering a heart disease, I’m afraid.恐怕你有心脏病。

            You’ve got a drop of fever.你有一点发热。

            You’re running a temperature. 你有一点发烧。

            You’ve got the flu, but not very serious.你患流感,但不是十分严重。











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0 回复 Lawler 2011-3-3 10:59
不知为哈,这里不常听到医生用“I’m afraid”,用“I think"多一些。
0 回复 世外闲人 2011-3-3 18:16
1 回复 kylelong 2011-3-4 08:42
Lawler: 不知为哈,这里不常听到医生用“I’m afraid”,用“I think"多一些。
嗯。I’m afraid,比较谦虚,可能是家庭医生,不太专业;I think,应该是专科医生了,比较自信。
1 回复 kylelong 2011-3-4 08:42
世外闲人: 学习了。

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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