
作者:kylelong  于 2011-3-3 06:11 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


Examining a patient


            A blood test is necessary.需要做血检(查血)。

            Any pain here?这里疼吗?

            Breathe deeper, please.深呼吸。

            Cough. Now again.咳嗽,再来一次。

            Do you have any pain here? 这里疼吗?

            Does it hurt here? 这里受伤了吗?(这里疼吗?)

            Does it hurt when I press here?我压这里时疼吗?

            Does it hurt when I touch it here? 我摸这里时疼吗?

            Go and have your chest X-rayed.去做个胸透(X光)。

            How does it feel?感觉如何?

            I think we’d better give you a few tests.我觉得你最好做一些检查。

            I’ll have your temperature taken.我要给你查体温。

            I’m going to take a throat culture so we’ll know for sure.我要给你做咽喉分泌物培养检查,确定一下。

            Let me check your lungs and heart.检查一下心脏和肺部。

            Let me examine your stomach.检查胃部。

            Let me feel you pulse.号脉。

            Let me listen to your heart and lungs.听听你的心音和肺音。

            Let me sound your lungs.听听你的肺音。

            Let me take your blood pressure.查血压。

            May I take your blood pressure?我可以给你量血压吗?

            Lie down on the couch there. Let me examine your belly.躺在沙发床上,我给你检查腹部。

            Now breathe in. A deep breath.吸进,深呼吸。

            Now let me just see.现在我来确诊一下(仔细看看)。

            Now slip off your coat and shirt, please.请脱去外套和衬衣。

            Open your mouth and say “Ah”.张开嘴,说“啊”。

            Open your mouth please, and show me your tongue.张开嘴,伸出舌头。

            Please go and take a stool test.去做一下大便检查。

            Put this thermometer under your tongue.把体温计放在舌下。

            Roll your sleeves up.把袖子卷起来。

            Show me where it hurts.指给我看看哪里疼。

            Slip your shoes off and hop up on the bed.把鞋子脱掉,上床躺下。

            Strip to your waist, please.把上衣脱掉(赤膊)

            Take a breath, please.深呼吸。  

            Take your blood count first, please.先做血球计数检查。

            The gums are swollen.牙龈肿胀。

            There’s some respiratory murmur in your heart.你的心脏有杂音。

            Unbutton your shirt and let me listen to your lungs.解开衬衣扣子,让我听听你的肺音。

            Well, I’d better take your blood pressure.最好让我查一下你的血压。

            Well, let’s see.让我看看。

            Well, let’s take an X-ray of your chest.我来给你做一个胸透(X光)。

            You must have an electrocardiograph examination.你需要做一个ECG(心电图)检查。

            Your blood pressure is normal.你血压正常。

            Your pulse is a bit fast.你的脉搏有点快。

            Your tongue’s rather coated.你舌头上有点白苔(粘液层)。

            Your tongue’s thickly furred. 你舌头上有很厚的白苔(粘液层)。

            You’re to have a blood test.你去做个血检(查血)。

            You’ve got a faint murmur of the heart. 你的心脏有轻微杂音。










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0 回复 Lawler 2011-3-3 11:13
1 回复 kylelong 2011-3-4 08:48
Lawler: 心电图,这里叫EKG
1 回复 ladytiger 2011-3-9 12:58
kylelong: 嗯,我后面会谈到。EKG是德语。谢谢。
Thanks for sharing, I appreciate this:-)
BTW, I wonder whether you will talk about the standard charting(history and physical, discharge/transfer order) later?
1 回复 kylelong 2011-3-9 21:24
ladytiger: Thanks for sharing, I appreciate this:-)
BTW, I wonder whether you will talk about the standard charting(history and physical, discharge/transfer orde ...
Thanks. I would like to try.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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