
作者:kylelong  于 2011-3-3 06:16 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


Giving prescription and advice


            A change of diet may do you good.改变一下饮食对你有帮助。

            A good sleep may help you pick up flesh.好好睡眠有助于你长胖。

            Administer the ointment once everyday.每天擦拭药膏一次。

            Apply this tube of jelly three times a day.每天使用冻膏3次。

            Are you allergic to any medication?你对什么药物过敏吗?

            Avoid greasy foods.避免油性食物。

            Be careful to your diet.注意饮食。

            Be sure to keep warm and rest.要保暖并休息好。

            Come back and see me in two weeks if you’re not feeling better.如果你两周内感觉不佳,回来找我看看。

            Cut down on your drinking.减少酒量。

            Do not smoke.别吸烟。

            Don’t overdo things.不要过劳。

            Don’t strain yourself too much.不要让自己过度紧张。

            Drink more hot water.多喝热水。

            Drink more liquids and take the medicine I prescribed.吃了我给的药后,多喝点水。

            Drink plenty of water.喝足够的水。

            Drink this mixture four times a day, one measure each time.喝这种混合物每天4次,每次一格。

            Electrical treatments will be good for your rheumatism.电疗有助于你的风湿。

            Fatty food will do you harm.油腻食物对你有害。

            Get plenty of exercise.要有足够的运动。

            Go home and rest for at least three or four days.回家休息至少34天。

            Have a good rest.好好休息一下。

            Here’s a prescription for some medicine.这是药物处方。

            Here’s a prescription for you. Please take the medicine according to the instruction.这是你的处方。按照说明服药。

            Here’s a prescription. Have someone to get it filled.这是处方,让别人填写的。

            Here is a prescription. I’d like you to take one of these pills three times a day.这是处方。希望你每天3次每次吃一颗。

            Here’s a sick-leave certificate for three days.这是3天病假的证明。

            I can prescribe some pills which will relieve the pain, but you’d be well advised not to overwork yourself.按照我开的药,你会减轻痛苦,但你必须听从劝告,不要过劳。

            I suggest you take Chinese traditional medicines.我建议你吃一些中药。

            I think a month at a health resort will do you good.我觉得在修养圣地休息一个月会对你有帮助。

            I think this gargle will relieve your sore throat.我觉得这个漱口水可以减轻你的咽喉痛。

            If your fever lingers, come to me again.如果继续发烧,再来找我。

            I’ll give you a dose of streptomycin.我会给你一些链霉素。

            I’ll give you some tablets.我会给你一些药片。

            I’ll just give you a prescription.我只给处方。

            I’ll make up a prescription for you.我给你开个处方。

            I’ll prescribe a bottle of cough syrup for you.我给你开一瓶咳嗽糖浆。

            It’ll keep the swelling down.这药会消肿。

            Keep away from the draught.远离通风的地方。

            Keep to your bed, and try to have more water.尽量躺着,多喝水。

            Keep warm and take a hot bath before going to bed.保持温暖,上床前洗个热水澡。

            Let me prescribe some medicine for you.我给你开一些药。











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