The Haunted Castle in California---Preston Castle

作者:RNSandi  于 2009-9-6 14:12 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村



1. Noted as the very first youth correctional center, this particular haunted castle has been known to have at least three ghosts, or “haunts” by individuals who frequent the structure on a regular basis.

2. It has been said that sometime in the 1950’s in the facility, a female employee of the facility was repeatedly kicked over and over again by an inmate who was ordered to the correctional facility. The damage was so immense from the kicks that she passed away. It is believe that this female spirit still resides in the castle.

3. During the time in which this haunted castle was under operation, the juveniles in attendance had to live here. An interesting fact is that the staff of the facility also had living quarters. The living areas are believed to have a number of “residual” haunts. This type of haunt is said to be like a visual recording of things that occurred in the past as a result of high energy levels that were experienced at the time.

4. There is a special cemetery for individuals who died at the Preston Castle, particularly for inmates. It is on record that approximately twenty three graves are located at the cemetery near this haunted castle. Many have claimed that the spirits are restless as they still feel detached from society, even in death. Experiences such as cold spots, feelings of intense fear and depressing emotions have been experiences by guests.

5. Strange noises have been heard in all areas of the Preston Castle. Many noises have been accounted for, while numerous other noises seem to have no origin or other type of explanation.










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回复 putongren10 2009-9-9 02:05
回复 kylelong 2009-11-28 23:06

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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