
作者:丹奇  于 2011-11-7 22:47 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


美国人看美国(5 为何奥巴马2012年会赢


/他爹  翻译/丹奇





让那些没有保险的病人去死 (荣坡德州国会议员)













阶级斗争”战略的唯一一方共和党 这个国家不喜欢 - 它会201211即将举行的选举付出昂贵的代价。





And how the Republicans destroyed themselves

By Tadie (November 6th, 2011)


The Republican party has become so fractured it resembles a war zone in Gaza. As the GOP candidates for their party’s nomination for president debate each other and near the beginning of the primaries it has become more evident that only the “most far right conservative” can win. The Tea Party has injected their neo conservative view so much into the debate that each candidate must outdo the others to be farther right in their views.

During the previous debates the crowds have cheered the following:

  1. Executing the most prisoners ( Rick Perry – Governor of Texas )
  2. Letting uninsured sick people die ( Ron Paul – Congressman Texas )
  3. Booing an Army Officer who is currently serving in Iraq because he is gay
  4. Cheering tax plans that obviously tilt the tax burden onto the poor and middle class
  5. Plans to eliminate the minimum wage and bust unions
  6. Redraw Congressional districts that do not match the demographics of the area but rather to insure GOP majority
  7. Unique new laws  to make abortion illegal ( Mississippi new law coming up for vote )

Now, to their hard core base these are all wonderful things and generally speaking part of their platform of whom they are as a party. The problem with this is that the views have gone so far right that it makes them unelectable in any Presidential election!

Elections are always decided by the “Independent” voters – a group that tends to be very “centrist” in their views. It would be virtually impossible for any of the GOP candidates to beat President Obama – except for one. That one person is Jon Huntsman, former Governor of Utah and Ambassador to China. But, he doesn’t appeal to the base. He’s too moderate. He believes in science, doesn’t let God rule his politics and is very cultured.

The “independent” voters keep us, as a nation, from electing Presidents that get to far to the right or the left. The current crop of GOP candidates make George Bush appear as a moderate Democrat. The GOP base finds it difficult to believe in Mitt Romney because he’s too liberal and a flip flopper. They don’t like Rick Perry right now because he appears, well, stupid and uninformed and he allowed illegals to have in state tuition at Texas universities. The leader however in the polls right now is Herman Cain. Even after a sex scandal and his obvious lack of knowledge this man leads in the polls of the current Presidential candidates for the Republicans. This man is one who said we should build a fence along the border with Mexico that is electric so we could kill those who tried to climb it. He also said we should build a water way along the border and put alligators in it to eat those who tried to cross it.  This is a man who didn’t know that China has nuclear weapons, didn’t know what the “right of return “ issue was for the Palestinians, makes a joke out of “Ubeki  beki beki stan stan” ( Uzbekistan ). Is this the kind of man we want to be the leader of the free world? Is this the best the GOP has to offer? Why is this man leading in the polls?

The answer to that can be found in how the demographics of the political landscape have changed the past 30 years.  Since Reagan was President there has been a growth in the right wing of the GOP that has become more and more militant, more white, more religious and more active in the use of the military as a policy tool.

While this has allowed the GOP to control the Presidency for 18 out of the past 30 years I believe that the shift in the GOP has gone so far right that the pendulum controlled by the Independent voters will make the correct choice – another 4 years for Obama, even though he has a poor domestic record of achievement and the economy is still very sluggish and unemployment remains high.

The Republicans have done a great job at shooting themselves in the foot this election cycle. They don’t have a strong leader and they refuse to be interested in the smart one (Huntsman).  The GOP has become so involved in the “cultural” battles that they are losing the political war of getting back the White House!

In 2010 the Republicans campaigned on more jobs, more programs to boost the economy. However, the legislation they have provided in Congress and across the country have been about gays in the military, gay marriage, English as a national language, reaffirming our motto of “In God We Trust” and nearly pushing the USA into default on its obligations by not extending the debt ceiling. All of these things may be good political tactics but it makes terrible national policy and does nothing, absolutely nothing, to solve the countries ills or provide jobs.

The GOP has been playing pure hardball politics and their base voter is excited. But, in a General Election they will not get the Independent voter on their side and Obama will win another term as President of the United States. Indeed, the Democrats may even win the House of Representatives back and increase their majority in the Senate because of the far right hyperbole and rhetoric that has added nothing to the national debate but has only served to further divide this country along class of wealth, race, business owner and worker.

The only party waging a “class warfare” strategy is the GOP – and the nation doesn’t like it – and it will cost them dearly in the coming elections of November 2012.











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8 回复 wcat 2011-11-7 22:50
觉得Mitt Romney 能嬴的提名
1 回复 解滨 2011-11-7 22:54
共和党人才枯竭,已经拿不出一个像样的总统候选人了。 我不看好共和党的任何一个参选者。
2 回复 roaming 2011-11-7 22:56
0 回复 fanlaifuqu 2011-11-7 23:19
6 回复 sdwddnh 2011-11-7 23:23
3 回复 布衣人 2011-11-7 23:49
解滨: 共和党人才枯竭,已经拿不出一个像样的总统候选人了。 我不看好共和党的任何一个参选者。
1 回复 hr8888hr 2011-11-7 23:55
其实我觉得选举说辞只是一种策略,主要是看他的内阁团队, 总统只是个协调者, 不需要很强的或面面俱到的专业知识. 强势的总统对确保的美国利益未必就有利
1 回复 解滨 2011-11-8 00:00
布衣人: 民主党也夠呛,尽说空话大话,08的change成了假大空的标誌。
同意。 两党现在都拿不出或实施不了拯救美国经济的好办法。
2 回复 妈々 2011-11-8 00:37
可是闺女,你咋连2012年的事儿都看见咧涅? 该不会是穿越了一个来回吧
0 回复 neo42 2011-11-8 00:50
Romney pretty much destroyed MA when he was the governor there. It is difficult to have a Mormon become president of US anyway. Ron Paul would be a great candidate but he won't. Obama has no talents nor enough hearts to turn US around. It has becoming painfully obvious that empty talks were all this guy is good for. The once united America becomes a dramatically split nation ironically still under the name of "united states". Selfishness of the political parties is a poison that unfortunately eating this once great country alive. Wall street occupiers, incapable as they have shown, is just one corner of a much greater iceberg, the outcry by the Americans and their collect lose of confidence in the government and in the country. It is only too bad that there is no leader in either parties that have the brain and heart to lead USA back to a correct route.
1 回复 neo42 2011-11-8 00:53
妈々: 看这老大的题目,大娘就蒙了,寻思着会不会是老年痴呆症又犯了涅
可是闺女,你咋连2012年 ...
0 回复 neo42 2011-11-8 00:55
fanlaifuqu: 两党都不能走极端,尤其民主党。
each parties have their bills to pay. it is not totally up to their leaders what actions to take. JFK was such a good albeit negative example.
0 回复 awang9988 2011-11-8 01:34
说的没错。 O8会当选,因为共和党更烂。
2 回复 海外愤青 2011-11-8 01:36

12 回复 Laile 2011-11-8 01:40
wcat: 觉得Mitt Romney 能嬴的提名
1 回复 8288 2011-11-8 01:40
0 回复 Laile 2011-11-8 01:41
sdwddnh: 最好让佩林当选,感觉这样对世界其他国家更有好处!
2 回复 wcat 2011-11-8 01:41
Laile: 猫猫懂的真多啊,佩服一下哈。
1 回复 Laile 2011-11-8 01:42
布衣人: 民主党也夠呛,尽说空话大话,08的change成了假大空的标誌。
2 回复 tanghan 2011-11-8 01:46
123... 7下一页

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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