
作者:naturelover  于 2009-1-12 08:05 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


I will turn 40 years old exactly in 5 minutes now in Tianjin, China. How amazing! It is truly a miracle that I survived so far. I am grateful for mom and dad for bringing me to this wonderful world, and loved me and cared for me all along.

40 years ago, in the coldest day out of the whole year, 12/22/67, I was born in a village in Nanxing Guo, Hebei Province. It was very early in the morning around 2 am, my mom delivered me, with the help from a 19-year-old girl, who knew nothing about child birth. And I was told that I almost died then, due to insufficient air supply to my tiny lungs, mom later told me that the umbilical cord was circled my neck at least twice. At that moment of life and death, there was this well known OB doctor who happened to be right there where he was needed to save my tiny and precious life. I believe now that he was the angel sent from my Father in Heaven to save me.

Mom was a school teacher then, so she hired an elderly lady, she called " Lao Bai Mao" to care for me during the day while she was teaching. Mom told me many times that the way I looked to her with my breasts hidden and my back a little lowered, would reminded her that Lao Bai Mao would always put the tiny body of me inside her winter clothes, to keep my near her heart and keep me warm. I was so blessed with the love from God and the old lady who was my nanny in my early age.

Now, my dear mom passed on, dad is well, enjoyed his life with my sister, Hongying, in Tianjin. I miss them on my birthday. My very special day. I celebrate life, celebrate God's creation, and I sing praises to my Heavenly Father, our all Mighty God. All the glories and honor to Him, in Jesus's precious name, Amen.










发表评论 评论 (14 个评论)

3 回复 Servant 2009-1-12 08:21
Happy birthday, sister-in-christ!

God Bless you and your family!

1 回复 kylelong 2009-1-12 08:22
Forgetting ages is people's happiness !
3 回复 naturelover 2009-1-12 09:23
Thank you, kylelong. That is very true.
2 回复 naturelover 2009-1-12 09:25
Thank you!

May God be with you!
3 回复 inor12 2009-1-12 10:27
感动.  女人四十一枝花吗.  看来我们都该感谢现代社会给我们带来的长寿.  两年了前参祝观旧金山的一教堂的墓地, 是1840左右的.  里面很少有人活过四十的.  生曰快乐.  能把自已交给上帝来管理, 既需要勇气, 又需要毅力.
2 回复 普通一丁 2009-1-12 11:10
3 回复 hahahajj 2009-1-12 11:45
2 回复 水影儿 2009-1-12 13:21
2 回复 xqw63 2009-1-13 15:34
3 回复 naturelover 2009-1-18 11:02
inor12: 感动.  女人四十一枝花吗.  看来我们都该感谢现代社会给我们带来的长寿.  两年了前参祝观旧金山的一教堂的墓地, 是1840左右的
3 回复 naturelover 2009-1-18 11:04
水影儿: 欢迎新朋友!能不能给我们整点儿中文的生活感言:)
3 回复 naturelover 2009-1-21 13:29
Servant: Happy birthday, sister-in-christ! God Bless you and your family! :)
Thank you.
3 回复 xli710 2009-1-21 14:49
let's celevrate birthdays!
1 回复 雪的烟花 2009-1-23 22:28
Happy Birthday to you!!!

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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