
作者:oneweek  于 2013-10-14 03:14 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


今天 有微博 “四岁女孩被强30岁表兄强奸并杀害,美警察22年不弃,终获真相:http://www.nydailynews.com/news/crime/relative-arrested-baby-hope-case-article-1.1483690 

去读了一下 那个报道, 里面有一句; 警官破了此案, 无比的高兴和激动
“You know that phrase, ‘I’m on cloud nine’? That’s where I am right now,” said former NYPD Detective Jerry Giorgio, who had the case for more than two decades until retiring from the NYPD in 1997.
'You know that phrase, ‘I'm on cloud nine? That's where I am right now,' beamed retired NYPD Detective Jerry Giorgio, as Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly looked on.

要是单从字面上来说, 相当于中文的“九天”。 中文里有的只是中性的描述那个 高天的地方, 英文的cloud nine, 说的是如同在天堂, 心情无比的高兴 和愉悦。

urbandictionary 是这样说的:

1. cloud nine
1). Heaven 
2). A Utopia of pleasure
We were floating on cloud nine.

2. cloud nine
and cloud 9 

a state of total euphoria (See also on cloud nine.)
After winning the lottery, he was on cloud nine.

3. cloud nine
The state of being out of your head because you have recently fallen "in love."
My friend Elena decided to take more calculus classes because she was out of her mind on cloud nine.
4. cloud nine
A method of increasing sensitivity to the body while under the effects of MDMA and other similar drugs. It is when someon lays on the back of someone else and runs around or walks around while the person on ecstacy closes their eyes and feels like they are floating as the air rushes past them. The person rolling that is going to be in cloud nine needs to go back to back with someone else and link there arms together. The person that is going to cloud nine then needs to leanback and have the person who is going to walk or run around pull forward. This should put the roller ontop of the persons back.
"Hey man when we get high tonight lets take a trip too cloud nine!" 

"When we get high tonight lets try out a new roll trick i learned the other day."









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0 回复 fanlaifuqu 2013-10-14 03:18
1 回复 oneweek 2013-10-14 03:29
fanlaifuqu: 谢谢!多上上这样的课!
翻老 你是老移民了 可能要见笑了
1 回复 笑臉書生 2013-10-14 04:01
oneweek: 翻老 你是老移民了 可能要见笑了
I no 要见笑
1 回复 静龄 2013-10-14 04:11
笑臉書生: I no 要见笑
Me 2 no see laugh
1 回复 看得开 2013-10-14 06:24
0 回复 oneweek 2013-10-14 06:57
看得开: 我是老移民也不知道这词。谢谢!
老移民 一般会知道吧?
1 回复 trunkzhao 2013-10-14 08:01
0 回复 oneweek 2013-10-14 08:25
trunkzhao: 长知识。对了,我还是想知道英文怎么练出来的。
1 回复 白露为霜 2013-10-14 09:00
cloud 9 只上是啥?
0 回复 笑臉書生 2013-10-14 09:30
静龄: Me 2 no see laugh
1 回复 oneweek 2013-10-14 09:31
白露为霜: cloud 9 只上是啥?
Void 类似于真空的状态。以前有人以为是以太。
1 回复 白露为霜 2013-10-14 09:35
oneweek: Void 类似于真空的状态。以前有人以为是以太。
yeah. Ether, now we call it dark energy.  
0 回复 yulinw 2013-10-14 10:05
0 回复 oneweek 2013-10-14 10:14
yulinw:    猪猪真棒~·
1 回复 yulinw 2013-10-14 12:44
oneweek: i谢谢。加班的时候读读新闻
1 回复 xoyuanfen 2013-10-15 03:06
1 回复 oneweek 2013-10-15 03:48
xoyuanfen: 学习!

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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