
作者:Duffy  于 2023-6-11 01:46 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村



我的外孙女Kathleen已经高二了,可想而知,作为第一代移民的父母,只知道自己工作的压力,生活的艰辛,只看到孩子们的活蹦乱跳,却不知这些出生在美国的二代华裔学生们,在父母巨大的压力下,要门门功课全优,又要琴棋书画全能,既要不忘祖宗勤学汉语,又要种族融合参加各种业余活动,还要莫名其妙地承受上至美国总统,下至无知小民们对在美华人的无端仇恨,加上华裔不但理所当然地受到黑人,甚至老墨的歧视,直至拳脚相加,抢劫枪杀,甚至还会受到同是亚裔的韩裔、日裔、印裔的排挤。你简直难以置信,在二十一世纪的今天,在处处世界领先的美国,一个梦想爬藤的华裔二代孩子,无论你多么努力,成绩多么优秀,竟然可以堂尔皇之地被藤校以你的一个华裔姓氏而拒之门外。我们的华裔二代及他们的子孙们还有漫长的、艰难的路要走。美国 决不是天堂,美国还需要所有各族裔,各时代的移民共同奋斗,促使社会的进步。中国也是如此。Kathleen不是一个死读书的孩子,她的爱好非常广泛,特别是她还不属于那种特别聪明的华裔孩子,通常,华裔学生们在数学方面,公认有着特殊天分,可是Kathleen在数学、化学方面学起来很吃力,要取得满分,她要花比别人多两倍到三倍的时间和精力。 上高中以后,我就从来没见过她在夜里1点以前睡过觉。 她很喜欢排球,连续几年都参加学校和市里俱乐部排球队的训练和比赛,这又几乎占据了她本来就很有限的业余时间,这次,她居然自己报名参加了她们高中的记者培训班,并在校报上发表了她的处女作——采访她们学校的一位同学Jessie Yan ,Jessie刚刚荣获了2023年度全美中学生国际象棋比赛冠军。

看到Kathleen发表的处女作,高兴得我竟然泪零涕落。我写信鼓励Kathleen,我觉得这篇报道无论在选题、结构、开头起事、结尾点题和内容取舍、遣词造句等各方面,都写得非常好,短短的几百字,就能把Jessie从4岁开始,历尽千辛万苦的夺冠历程展示出来,并且表现出Jessie Yan 的刻苦、失败、总结、奋进,报道中, 还引用了她的几句格言式的话语,突出了Jessie对失败、夺冠、比赛压力的真知灼见,同时还选取了Jessie的有代表性的的几个同学和老师对她的评价,从旁印证了Jessie绝不是个“书呆子”型的少年棋手,

我很欣赏她的开头,仅仅用了一句话“There are only ten minutes left. The clock is ticking”就把读者的心牢牢抓住,把读者身临其境般地带了到紧张的比赛现场。然后层层推进,展现Jessie更多的内涵和精神境界,最后一句,也是我最欣赏她报道中的一句话:

“It’s not really about how well you do in the end,” Jessie said. “But that you have a lot of fun on the way.”

这句话ChatGPT给我翻译成中文: 真正重要的不是最后的成绩如何,杰西说道。而是你在过程中有很多乐趣。


我对她的评价是: 这篇文章只要有这了这么一句画龙点睛的结尾,就可算是一篇好作品。







Jessie placed sixth during the 2022 U.S. Girls’ Junior Championship, and although she thought it wasn’t her best performance, she learned an important lesson from that match.
“I had a disastrous tournament, but it was also a lot of pressure to think I had to win every single game,” Jessie said. “It’s just easier not to think about the results. Take it one game at a time.”

Jessie strives to stay true to her own tips: reduce a game’s significance beforehand to avoid too much pressure during the game. “Every game is just a game,” Jessie said. “One game is not going to decide whether you’re going to get into Harvard or not. Just try your best in every game.”

下面是报道的全文(为方便起见,我把ChatGPT的中译本附后,。这是ChatGPT的译文第三版本,我在“与ChatGPT过招"一文中,有详细描述 与ChatGPT过招 - Duffy的日志 - 倍可亲 (backchina.com )

                  Jessie Yan’s Journey to Chess Mastery

             By Kathleen Zhu,     Journalism One |  May  22, 2023


                                                                    Courtest Jessie Yan

Jessie Yan is one of the champions in the 2023 U.S. Girls’ Junior Championship.


There are only ten minutes left. The clock is ticking, and sophomore Jessie Yan’s thoughts are constantly churning with the countless moves she can make. It’s the last round, and the only thing she’s focused on is the game board. Spotting an opportunity, she advances her piece across the patterned board, making a beeline for victory. She corners the king. Checkmate!

Jessie has been playing chess since she was four years old when her parents gifted her a chess set. She later signed up for chess clubs within her area. After playing the game for 11 years, she’s grown particularly fond of blitz and bullet chess, which both rely on a fast-paced playing style. In these categories, Jessie has amounted to a blitz rating of 2267 and is currently ranked in the top 250 players out of the active players in the US.

In July of 2019, Jessie placed third in a 10-day competition, the U.S. Girls’ Juniors, earning a $1,500 prize.



作者:Kathleen Zhu,新闻学一班




只剩下十分钟了。钟摆滴答作响,大二的杰西·彦的思绪不停地盘旋着,她可以做出无数个棋步。这是最后一轮,她唯一关注的是棋盘。她发现了一个机会,她的棋子穿过有图案的棋盘,直奔胜利。她将国王逼入死角。将死! 杰西从四岁起就开始下国际象棋,当时她的父母送给她一套国际象棋。后来她报名参加了当地的国际象棋俱乐部。在玩了11年棋后,她特别喜欢快棋和子弹棋,这两种棋类都依赖于快节奏的下棋风格。在这些类别中,杰西的快棋等级为2267,在美国活跃选手中目前排名前250名。 20197月,杰西在为期10天的比赛中获得第三名,这是美国女子青少年锦标赛,她获得了1500美元的奖金。


“I think that was my first big breakthrough,” Jessie said. “I wasn’t expecting to get invited, but I somehow did, and everyone there was really good. I got third place, which was way better than I thought.”

Jessie placed sixth during the 2022 U.S. Girls’ Junior Championship, and although she thought it wasn’t her best performance, she learned an important lesson from that match.

“I had a disastrous tournament, but it was also a lot of pressure to think I had to win every single game,” Jessie said. “It’s just easier not to think about the results. Take it one game at a time.”

Recently, Jessie has been working hard, practicing daily on chess websites and in person. When not at chess tournaments, Jessie is always looking for ways to improve—especially when it comes to playing with people at her school, like her friends and even her teachers.

“I don’t think you can even call it a chess game when you’re playing against her,” English teacher Babak Shahrivar said. “I played her once, and she immediately squashed me. I don’t think she had to think during the game at all.”





To others, Jessie may seem this way when playing as well: laid-back and at ease. On the contrary, Jessie never stops thinking of possible strategies during a game, studying many tactics chess has to offer. This sort of dedication to the game often lends itself to stereotypes of being “socially awkward” or “overly studious,” but in actuality, Jessie is a sociable and fun person to be around, constantly cracking jokes.

According to sophomore Sandy Xu, Jessie enjoys tutoring kids and helping her friends progress in their own chess journeys.

During matches, Jessie strives to stay true to her own tips: reduce a game’s significance beforehand to avoid too much pressure during the game.

“Every game is just a game,” Jessie said. “One game is not going to decide whether you’re going to get into Harvard or not. Just try your best in every game.”

Because Jessie often attends tournaments and lessons, she isn’t able to spend as much time at school with her friends. Regardless, Jessie’s parents, friends and coaches are very supportive of her passion for chess, especially when they see her enjoyment and love for the game.

“Chess is part of my identity now, so it’s kind of hard to give it up,” Jessie said. “It doesn’t matter if you’re good or if you’re bad. You can always connect with someone else, and it’s really good to help make friends.”

Many of Jessie’s most memorable experiences and closest friends have been formed through the chess community over the years, whether it be in online chess forums or tournaments and classes. Jessie encourages everyone as she offers advice to her younger self: play more, be more confident, and most of all, just enjoy the game.

“It’s not really about how well you do in the end,” Jessie said. “But that you have a lot of fun on the way.”


 “I think that was my first big breakthrough,” Jessie said. “I wasn’t expecting to get invited, but I somehow did, and everyone there was really good. I got third place, which was way better than I thought.” Jessie placed sixth during the 2022 U.S. Girls’ Junior Championship, and although she thought it wasn’t her best performance, she learned an important lesson from that match. “I had a disastrous tournament, but it was also a lot of pressure to think I had to win every single game,” Jessie said. “It’s just easier not to think about the results. Take it one game at a time.” Recently, Jessie has been working hard, practicing daily on chess websites and in person. When not at chess tournaments, Jessie is always looking for ways to improve—especially when it comes to playing with people at her school, like her friends and even her teachers. “I don’t think you can even call it a chess game when you’re playing against her,” English teacher Babak Shahrivar said. “I played her once, and she immediately squashed me. I don’t think she had to think during the game at all.”





Jessie may seem this way when playing as well: laid-back and at ease. On the contrary, Jessie never stops thinking of possible strategies during a game, studying many tactics chess has to offer. This sort of dedication to the game often lends itself to stereotypes of being “socially awkward” or “overly studious,” but in actuality, Jessie is a sociable and fun person to be around, constantly cracking jokes. According to sophomore Sandy Xu, Jessie enjoys tutoring kids and helping her friends progress in their own chess journeys. During matches, Jessie strives to stay true to her own tips: reduce a game’s significance beforehand to avoid too much pressure during the game. “Every game is just a game,” Jessie said. “One game is not going to decide whether you’re going to get into Harvard or not. Just try your best in every game.” Because Jessie often attends tournaments and lessons, she isn’t able to spend as much time at school with her friends. Regardless, Jessie’s parents, friends and coaches are very supportive of her passion for chess, especially when they see her enjoyment and love for the game. “Chess is part of my identity now, so it’s kind of hard to give it up,” Jessie said. “It doesn’t matter if you’re good or if you’re bad. You can always connect with someone else, and it’s really good to help make friends.” Many of Jessie’s most memorable experiences and closest friends have been formed through the chess community over the years, whether it be in online chess forums or tournaments and classes. Jessie encourages everyone as she offers advice to her younger self: play more, be more confident, and most of all, just enjoy the game. “It’s not really about how well you do in the end,” Jessie said. “But that you have a lot of fun on the way.”


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您说的太对了,我也不知为什么?我也看到许多别人的博客中的图片无显示,请问您有何 见教?不胜感谢

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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