BlackBerry Bold 9000 coming this summer

作者:ukblue  于 2008-5-20 23:13 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村

作者分类:cell phone|通用分类:其它日志

Expected in July or August, the new BlackBerry 9000 is worth mentioning now as it’s been a whole year since the last all-new BlackBerry hit the market. There have been several updates of the BlackBerry Curve and BlackBerry Pearl but only colour and specs of these devices have changed.

Dubbed BlackBerry Bold, this all-new BlackBerry has HSDPA, a powerful 624 MHz processor and the new BlackBerry OS 4.6. It has a large widescreen display with a high resolution of 480×320 pixels. As with all modern BlackBerry devices, the BlackBerry 9000 Bold has a QWERTY keyboard and a miniature trackball for on screen navigation.

In terms of connectivity features, the BlackBerry 9000 Bold has GPS with BlackBerry maps pre-installed. It also has Wi-fi, 3G, tri-band HSDPA and quad-band GSM.

All of the usual BlackBerry features are present including a decent camera, Bluetooth, web browser, media player with DivX support and a 3.5mm stereo audio socket. There’s 1GB of internal memory for storing video, music and other media. Memory can be upgraded to 8GB using a memory card.

Unofficial news is also circulating about two new devices, a flip phone codenamed BlackBerry Kickstart and a touchscreen device codenamed BlackBerry Thunder. The BlackBerry Thunder is expected later in the year and is rumoured to have a full touchscreen interface with no physical keyboard.

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