
作者:伊兰泓  于 2011-8-24 09:05 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村



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1 回复 hog4oc 2011-9-2 03:01
I used to see lots of American families with their new adopted Chinese kids (most of the kids are girls, some with obvious birth defects) flying China Southern into LAX airport. Lots of family already have 3 to 5 their own children already. When I look at them and see how these American love their adopted Chinese kids, I sometimes feel my tears - these lucky kids life will completely changed, they have love, good education and American dream. I also feel shamed that how their parents can abandon their own kids.
1 回复 伊兰泓 2011-9-2 12:46
1 ...1011

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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