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分享 [ 博你一笑 ]:An overheard exchange between Cecil Beaton and Greta Garbo
marnifan 2010-9-4 09:55
An overheard exchange between Cecil Beaton and Greta Garbo as told by Truman Capote in "Answered Prayers":Cecil: "The most distressing fact of growing older is that I find my private parts are shrinking." Garbo, after a mournful pause, :"Ah, if only I could say the same." [ ...阅读全文 ]
分享 [ 音乐欣赏 ]:Memory Tapes - Bicycle/Never Ending Crescendo
marnifan 2010-5-22 13:40
It's a never ending crescendo~耐心听~It will make you happy~ ... [ ...阅读全文 ]
分享 [ 音乐欣赏 ]:Nouvelle Vague - Love will tear us apart
marnifan 2010-5-21 04:09
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分享 [ 音乐欣赏 ]:The Killers - Human
marnifan 2010-5-21 01:19
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分享 [ 音乐欣赏 ]:The Killers - When You Were Young
marnifan 2010-5-20 23:46
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分享 [ 音乐欣赏 ]:Camera Obscura - Careless Love
marnifan 2010-5-19 03:21
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分享 [ 音乐欣赏 ]:Coralie Clément "C'est la vie"
marnifan 2010-5-18 07:11
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分享 [ 前尘往事 ]:Camera Obscura - James
marnifan 2010-4-30 00:27
James, he came to my placeHe said he had to see my faceHe hopes that we can still be friendsIn his own way, he'll love me til the endAnd, James, he came to the doorWanting to know for sureWhy love gets up and goesI'm sorry, but it had no place to growOh, James. My love for you is stronger, don't you [ ...阅读全文 ]
分享 [ 前尘往事 ]:Band Of Horses - "Detlef Schrempf"
marnifan 2010-4-29 00:50
"Detlef Schrempf"And take a little walk when the worst is to comeWhen I saw you looking like I never thoughtAnd say you're at a loss or forgot that words can do more than harmThe town is gonna talk, but these people do notSee things through to the very minimalBut what's it gonna cost to be gone?If w [ ...阅读全文 ]
分享 [ 自我介绍 ]:Acid House Kings - Do What You Wanna Do
marnifan 2010-4-27 02:43
Do What you Wanna Do ~ ... [ ...阅读全文 ]
分享 [ 自我介绍 ]:Vampire Weekend - "Giving Up The Gun"
marnifan 2010-4-13 22:22
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分享 [ 自我介绍 ]:White Sky - Vampire Weekend ALBUM VERSION
marnifan 2010-4-13 22:18
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分享 [ 私房小菜 ]:Phoenix-Fences
marnifan 2010-4-3 00:26
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分享 [ 私房小菜 ]:North - Phoenix
marnifan 2010-4-3 00:13
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分享 [ 子女教育 ]:Radiohead - In Rainbows - Weird Fishes_Arpeggi
marnifan 2010-3-4 02:17
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分享 [ 子女教育 ]:Tonight, tonight - Smashing Pumpkins
marnifan 2010-3-3 12:15
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分享 [ 子女教育 ]:Karma Police - Radiohead
marnifan 2010-3-3 12:07
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分享 [ 音乐欣赏 ]:The Winner Is - Little Miss Sunshine soundtrack 阿狗生日快乐
marnifan 2010-2-25 02:54
阿狗生日快乐! ... [ ...阅读全文 ]
13 个评论
分享 [ 音乐欣赏 ]:Breathe Me [Mylo Remix] HD
marnifan 2010-2-25 02:39
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分享 [ 音乐欣赏 ]:Clean Getaway - Maria Taylor
marnifan 2010-2-18 06:54
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分享 [ 音乐欣赏 ]:咱王菲春晚的表演
marnifan 2010-2-16 01:37
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46 个评论
分享 [ 自吟自唱 ]:盘凤 - XO唱滴
marnifan 2010-2-14 03:58
偶滴骨头都苏了。。 学习了阿狗的笨蛋系列半天,最后只能贴了这个最不环保的。不好意思阿狗老师。不愧是傻Belle的娘, 您的学生比笨蛋还笨蛋。 谢谢盒子提供的MP3地址,也是一个活雷峰啊 (繁漪):这几天为何不见大少爷? (四凤): 大概是他事情忙。 (繁漪): 听说他要到矿上去, 难道无人对你讲? (四 [ ...阅读全文 ]
28 个评论
分享 [ 村内互动 ]:恭喜恭喜,恭喜发财财!一个大红包!
marnifan 2010-2-13 00:32
恭喜恭喜,恭喜发财财!一个大红包!给你一个拜拜,大家一起HIGH! Gorillaz - Dirty Harry (Schtung Chinese New Year Remix) ... [ ...阅读全文 ]
16 个评论
分享 [ 其它日志 ]:Magic Spells - Crystal Castle
marnifan 2010-2-11 04:25
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