
作者:tintial  于 2009-6-11 13:35 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村

作者分类:random thoughts|通用分类:其它日志


民主与公平,衍生出的是两种截然不同的政治体系。民主的关键词是 majority,即取大多数的意见成为法律所形成的政治体系。公平是 equality,表示所有人的意见都是平等的,也就没有所谓对与错,追求的是共产。


The communism(equality) is unrealistic for human beings. Even Max himself admitted it.

The definition of democracy sacrifices the minority to serve the majority. In reality the majority serves for the minority.


所以民主与公平不能共存 how can you make everyone equal while sacrifice the minority's opinion to the majority?




丘吉尔说过 ,"democracy is the worst form of government except for all those other forms that have been tried."除了已经尝试过的制度之外,民主是世界上最差的制度。



Politics are dirty, the world we are living in is even dirtier.




人类与生俱来的属性决定了他们生活的苦难性。每个人都是黑暗的 ,只是政治文化生活上的差异使其所表现的强弱不同。



Commerce people(not the people who study commerce) and politicians(for China) earn the most money and enjoy the best reputation in the world.


However they are master of liars, their promises are not even worth bullshits.


In United States, the Presidential Canadidate who has the best ability to hide his promise fake becomes the next president of America.



For this world, the person whose “appearence” is the best is defined as an excellent or exceptional person.




I've just read Amy's blog, she revealed one truth where in real world people hardly recognize.



How can you make a difference of 智慧 and 虚伪?




One of my best friends who studies at Yale came to my house recently. She impressed me with her aimming where she is working hard to be the second Wendi Deng(a former student who studies at Yale as well) or become a banker in New York. And she's heading to Yale's Law School.


I used to have the same thoughts as hers, but then realised it's not my life.

I may gain reputation and money by working my ass off,

then I'll loss more.



So what's the point of being excellent? Is it that important?



Excellence is the state or quality of excelling.


However it depends on which field are you excelling with.


Excellence is just a made-up word, a politician's word maybe(=P), it depends on how you define it. Different definitions make all human beings excelleces.


To me, excellence is considered to be an important value, and a goal to be pursued.



My goal is simple(sometimes naive, =P), a satisfaction of life.



I really enjoys reading xiaoaojianghu cuz they are debating who is the best in the world.


岳不群 nearly became the best in the world becuz of his 虚伪 , However the ending is lovely.


In this world yuebuqun's theory works perfectly, people who can “忍” and “虚伪” become success.


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