
作者:十三大爷  于 2010-3-22 09:55 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村












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1 回复 我看世界 2010-3-22 23:12
1 回复 caro 2010-3-22 23:25
我看世界: 就怕税收上去了,还没有解决问题。
1 回复 十三大爷 2010-3-23 00:01
我看世界: 就怕税收上去了,还没有解决问题。
I hope America doesn't become Canada, which the Obama care may be a start
1 回复 十三大爷 2010-3-23 00:04
穿鞋的蜻蜓: 如果真的实现全民医保并且实行有效的全民早期检查和预防医学,我们能在长期把医疗费用降低吗?因为只有这样,我们才能降低每个人的医保费用和国家在医疗上的开支
This will be the only way to cut down the health care cost and eventually the premium each individual pays.  But how soon will we be able to do that?  Much of these have to await the progress in medicine too
1 回复 十三大爷 2010-3-23 00:07
练精化气AAA: 是70年代末开始的 新一代以计算机为代表的新技术革命, 挽救了美国

现在在玩 新能源革命。 同样的套路, 同样的招数
Regan and Thatcher's political convictions reassure the idea of free market economy, which steered the western industrious world back to the right track.  Technology like information industry helped, but not the decisive factor
1 回复 十三大爷 2010-3-23 00:10
awang9988: 共和党喜欢恐吓群众: 亚裔多少人年收入>250000? 反对屁。
I don't think you ever understood the arguments involved.  People who make over 250k don't really care to give a bit more, but the question is how the money is best spent and if we want America to become like Europe and Canada, i.e. an entitlement society which doesn't work
1 回复 awang9988 2010-3-23 00:29
你十三大爷: I don't think you ever understood the arguments involved.  People who make over 250k don't really care to give a bit more, but the question is how th
I respect your opinion if you are not influenced by partisan. However, I view republicans a shame to block this effort. All the developed world, including South korea, Japan, taiwan, have insurance coverage for all. Why US is so special?  Greedy does not insure your richness and properity, it creates hate and chaosis.
1 回复 daomeidan 2010-3-23 01:15
1 回复 h1pan 2010-3-23 02:44
Wait & see....
1 回复 goodoctor 2010-3-23 03:25
xoyuanfen: 大爷, 通过了, 我的想法是如果我多付税我死不了, 但那些没医保生重病的人真是走投无路了。 我宁愿做多付税的。
Thank you for your kindness



1 回复 十三大爷 2010-3-23 03:33
daomeidan: 美国人有“社会主义”,“共产主义”恐慌症,扑风捉影到一点就怀疑自己的改革方向,挺可笑的。
1 回复 goodoctor 2010-3-23 03:38
awang9988: I respect your opinion if you are not influenced by partisan. However, I view republicans a shame to block this effort. All the developed world, incl
do you know the difference  in term of the quality of medical care between the US and countries you mentioned?

Do you know how many lawyers and  law suit against doctors in US and in the countries you mentioned above?

this is not about the money! We physician take care of patients no matter what they have insurance or not, we did it before, we are doing now, and we are going to continue to do it.

1 回复 十三大爷 2010-3-23 03:45
awang9988: I respect your opinion if you are not influenced by partisan. However, I view republicans a shame to block this effort. All the developed world, incl
Agree with all that you have said.  As a matter of fact, I wish the Obama care to succeed as the Dems have claimed.  Affordable public health care to every citizen in his country is a very noble-minded idea that eventually will become a doctrine for every developed world.  

But how we get there and maintain a sustainable system is a million dollar question.  What alerted me about Obama care is that it pushes to balance between collective goods and individual liberty to a worrisome extent.  You are right Republicans have been blowing some hate-mongol rhetorics, which actually doesn't help the argument about protection of individual liberty or prevention of an entitlement society.  

Overall, I hope this care plan works both as a doctor and also a person who cares about the trend of this country and the world.  But I don't want America to become a socialist Europe and Canada, i.e. an entitlement society.  Trust me, 10 years, 5 years or even 2 years ago I would say that promoting the collective goods in America weighs more than protection of individual liberty.  But not now.
1 回复 xoyuanfen 2010-3-23 04:07
goodoctor: Thank you for your kindness


1 回复 awang9988 2010-3-23 04:12
goodoctor: Thank you for your kindness


This is not about 大锅饭 or communism.  You don't need to be worried for making less money for yourself. MD in Western world and Japan also makes a lots of money yet they have coverage to all.

You may wish to think about general public instead of yourself.
1 回复 daomeidan 2010-3-23 04:28
你十三大爷: “社会主义”,“共产主义”已被人类历史证明不工作。给全体人民富足,健康,有尊严的生活,我完全赞同。但“社会主义”,“共产主义”不是答案。
1 回复 marnifan 2010-3-23 05:15
goodoctor: Thank you for your kindness


1 回复 fishingperch 2010-3-23 05:15
awang9988: This is not about 大锅饭 or communism.  You don't need to be worried for making less money for yourself. MD in Western world and Japan also makes a l
1 回复 goodoctor 2010-3-23 05:26
awang9988: This is not about 大锅饭 or communism.  You don't need to be worried for making less money for yourself. MD in Western world and Japan also makes a l
you are wrong, i am not worry about my  money, I make enough, actually, less than 30% of patient i treat in the hospital is non insurance patient. I may make more money if everyone has insurance under the obama's health plan.

This is not about money, I do not like politics, but i am worry about the future of medicine.

如果你是学医的你应该知道,看看最近这几十年的医学文献,无论是基础医学还是临床医学,美国人已经远远的把欧洲人和日本人甩到了后面。目前美国是世界医疗创新和进步最主要的动力, 美国是研发,购买和使用专利药物最多的国家。欧洲,中国包括日本等还在大量的使用仿制药。在医学方面,欧洲人和日本人做的只是自己照顾自己。而美国人却在各种利益的驱使下拼命发展, 想一想为什么会是这样的不同?
1 回复 goodoctor 2010-3-23 05:26
You may wish to think about general public instead of yourself.
by the way, what kind thing do you do to help poor?
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