奇怪: 两中国人只能用英文交流

作者:milu  于 2009-5-29 04:28 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村












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1 回复 milu 2009-5-29 20:26
來美六十年: 近日來自香港而不懂普通話,這種人己經很少。數十年前大部份香港人都不懂普通話。
1 回复 milu 2009-5-29 20:28
翰山: 就是这样,和香港人或是一些广东乡下人(不会普通话),就得用英语交流。
可问题在于他们并不是都懂英文, 怎么交流
1 回复 翰山 2009-5-29 23:33
milu: 可问题在于他们并不是都懂英文, 怎么交流
1 回复 milu 2009-5-29 23:43
翰山: 所以要普及普通话。我没有碰到不懂英文的,但是那香港广东ABC的英文可是真难懂呀!
1 回复 redbud 2009-5-30 01:13
snortbsd: excuse my lousy english, what does this "sb" stand for?

she probably meant somebody, but it is kinda weird way of saying that...
she said somebody, I just shortened it.
1 回复 snortbsd 2009-5-30 04:02
redbud: she said somebody, I just shortened it.
but the answer "i am with andrea" definitely gave her wrong impression, even i did get wrong idea...

are you you r straight?
1 回复 redbud 2009-5-30 05:37
snortbsd: but the answer "i am with andrea" definitely gave her wrong impression, even i did get wrong idea...are you you r straight?
I think that's quite interesting because she was asking for her friend, a man interested in me. She may tell her friend I am with somebody . I feel God use this wrong answer to avoid those awkwardness to face that man.
1 回复 snortbsd 2009-5-30 05:49
redbud: I think that's quite interesting because she was asking for her friend, a man interested in me. She may tell her friend I am with somebody. I
did she get wrong impression on that? that would be very funny...

someone thought i was gay since i was not married...
1 回复 redbud 2009-5-30 05:52
snortbsd: did she get wrong impression on that? that would be very funny...

someone thought i was gay since i was not married...
I don't know. Lesbian is not common here.

Do you live with some man to give others this impression?
1 回复 snortbsd 2009-5-30 05:57
redbud: I don't know. Lesbian is not common here.

Do you live with some man to give others this impression?
yep, my best friend. we were roommates for 8 or 9 years before he got married...

i guess finally he realized he was in love with girl....
1 回复 redbud 2009-5-30 05:59
snortbsd: yep, my best friend. we were roommates for 8 or 9 years before he got married...

i guess finally he realized he was in love with girl....[em:
you were roommates or house-mates? I think it makes a big difference. If you live in the same room for 8-9 years ......
1 回复 snortbsd 2009-5-30 06:03
redbud: you were roommates or house-mates? I think it makes a big difference. If you live in the same room for 8-9 years ......
well, housemates, but here colleges, usually two or three sharing a room is quite common
1 回复 redbud 2009-5-30 06:06
snortbsd: well, housemates, but here colleges, usually two or three sharing a room is quite common
oh. It's even not common here in UK for college students to share a room
1 回复 snortbsd 2009-5-30 06:08
but in us, the "room" is quite large.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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