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分享 [ 其它日志 ]:Lindy Hop Class: I am surprised!
overseaboy 2010-1-5 16:31
Tonight I went to a Lindy Hop class. The class was held in an old building and the teachers have been teaching there for ten years. In fact I learned swing before (about 15 years ago in New York), but never learned Lindy Hop. After coming to LA, I decided to pick up all different types of dances I l [ ...阅读全文 ]
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分享 [ 其它日志 ]:Moving to LA, But no Salsa “Chinese”
overseaboy 2009-11-29 10:21
Moving to LA, But no Salsa “Chinese” After coming back from Shanghai and staying in New York couple of months, I finally moved to Los Angeles area. California has always been my dream place to live. I haven’t found any place in the world where the weather is so pleasant. Now it is almost Decem [ ...阅读全文 ]
个人分类: Let's Salsa|5 个评论

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