
作者:我是北极兔  于 2010-10-3 09:41 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村












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回复 我是北极兔 2010-10-4 01:01
snortbsd: in theory, yes, but with that culture, hiring people look for those titles for shocking effects!!!

then how do you translate this title of "sen
That is why I said, the conflicts and confusions of translation are coming from "vanity".
It needs all the related people to be careful to evaluate a person with  titles.
Do not brag others in media (捧杀!) and do not let the media brag you(被捧杀!). That is what I hope to clarify.
回复 我是北极兔 2010-10-4 01:06
昨夜星宸: 写得好,把社会现象和人性的弱点,分析到位~~
回复 昨夜星宸 2010-10-4 01:07
我是北极兔: 谢谢。不过,这篇短文可得罪人了!
回复 smith_h2 2010-10-4 02:09
Great article!! Thank you!!
Many people will be 酸溜溜地 attacking you, but I support you!!
回复 snortbsd 2010-10-4 02:15
我是北极兔: That is why I said, the conflicts and confusions of translation are coming from "vanity".
It needs all the related people to be careful to
well, vanity of titles is deeply rooted in chinese culture. "master", "experts", "ph.d", "post ph.d", "principal"...etc, especially educated chinese love to crown themselves with those shocking titles.

american companies, govement jobs would create all kinds of titles for convenience. hr people here know that and they would not read too much into those titles.

from a certain perspectives, especially in the current environment for chinese academics, i support 方舟子's opinions, but he somehow gets to kinda of self-centered, self-opinionated. just read his blogs, he also bragged his titles. quite obviously he doesn't know too much about american society, american business culture because of his limited experiences in living and working in the usa, because of his limited language skills (that is my personal view). unfortnately, with his titles, some people treat his personal views as some sort of judgments from a god....
回复 我是北极兔 2010-10-4 02:35
smith_h2: Great article!! Thank you!!
Many people will be 酸溜溜地 attacking you, but I support you!!
Thank you for your support. I just hope to remind that we should not take some evident compliments as reality when we are in such a situation.
回复 yunmu 2010-10-4 04:19
即使翻译精确, 也不要太在乎这些titles. 同一title 在美国不同的单位有不同的意义. 如VP 可为管理高层也可为办事员.  Research Professor 如为R1的PI, 可相当于国内的研究员. 如非PI, 可能是安慰性title. 同一title 在联邦政府和州政府之间, 不同州政府之间也可不同. 每个公司都可以按照自己的意志封各种头衔. 至于按什么规格接待, 那是国人的事.
回复 yunmu 2010-10-4 04:20
即使翻译精确, 也不要太在乎这些titles. 同一title 在美国不同的单位有不同的意义. 如VP 可为管理高层也可为办事员.  Research Professor 如为R01的PI, 可相当于国内的研究员. 如非PI, 可能是安慰性title. 同一title 在联邦政府和州政府之间, 不同州政府之间也可不同. 每个公司都可以按照自己的意志封各种头衔. 至于按什么规格接待, 那是国人的事.
回复 我是北极兔 2010-10-4 05:12
yunmu: 即使翻译精确, 也不要太在乎这些titles. 同一title 在美国不同的单位有不同的意义. 如VP 可为管理高层也可为办事员.  Research Professor 如为R1的PI, 可相当于
回复 zwz001 2010-10-4 06:30
我也反对拔高,但作者好多解释的都不对,除了前面各位提出的外,作者关于research Professor的解释也不对,那个等式也不成立。

research assistant professor也许在某些学校里相当于Post Doctoral Researcher。但research professor绝不是。各学校research-track定义不太相同,但一般是专注于研究而不是教学,进入这个序列可以是个人兴趣也可以是学校需要,和tenure-track是平行的,而不是互相隶属的。当然research professor一般要比professor低一些,大概相当于associate professor, research associate professor大概相当于assistant professor, research assistant professor大概相当于Post Doctoral Researcher。我们学校前一阶段招聘,一外校research professor来应聘tenure-track成功就给了associate professor,我们学校在美国还算不错的学校,规模也很大,应该有一定的代表性。我还知道有的tenured professor想专心做研究,不想教书了就转为research professor的,这样的例子也不少见。
回复 我是北极兔 2010-10-4 07:35
zwz001: 我也反对拔高,但作者好多解释的都不对,除了前面各位提出的外,作者关于research Professor的解释也不对,那个等式也不成立。

research assistant professor也
这个我认可,“一外校research professor来应聘tenure-track成功就给了associate professor”。我还见过,从公司直接应聘教授的。确实不能一概而论。
回复 xqw63 2010-10-4 07:39
回复 我是北极兔 2010-10-4 07:44
xqw63: 国内需要头衔
回复 xqw63 2010-10-4 07:48
我是北极兔: 正是。但别太当真!
回复 nierdaye 2010-10-4 09:05
hjshhyy: Principal Engineer:主管工程师         拔高为总工程师  (没有拔高)
Principal Engineer 中文应翻译为首席工程师, 这实际上是个管理性质的位置, 负责工程师的
回复 RidgeWalker 2010-10-5 00:59
It's not right for one calls him/herself Dr. XYZ.  You can write, XYZ., Ph.D, for me that's laughable already.  You went to school too long, that's all.
回复 我是北极兔 2010-10-5 02:42
RidgeWalker: It's not right for one calls him/herself Dr. XYZ.  You can write, XYZ., Ph.D, for me that's laughable already.  You went to school too long, that's a
What do you mean?
回复 我是北极兔 2010-10-5 06:09
Principal Engineer 翻译成主任工程师比较合适,因为最多是一个技术小组的负责人(最多管理几个engineer或senior engineer),总工程师的英文应是:Engineer-in-Chief (General)或General Engineer. IT 公司叫CTO,是负责管理全公司的技术及技术人员协调的。

不过,有的关键技术的Principal Engineer 还是很厉害的(如阿波罗计划)!自己注意一下就好!没别的意思!
回复 nierdaye 2010-10-5 06:25
我是北极兔: Principal Engineer 翻译成主管工程师比较合适,因为最多是一个技术小组的负责人(最多管理几个engineer或senior engineer),总工程师的英文应是:Engineer-in
agree. :-)
回复 我是北极兔 2010-10-5 09:06
nierdaye: agree. :-)

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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