
作者:jannykwong  于 2010-6-27 10:27 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村












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1 回复 jannykwong 2010-6-28 09:13
1 回复 jannykwong 2010-6-28 09:13
snortbsd: well, from perspective of lawyers, you did whatever your client requested, gave her the best result...

but for me, i just have very little sympathy
1 回复 jannykwong 2010-6-28 09:18
彩舟云淡: 可怜天下父母心啊做孩子的也应该为父母想想拉
1 回复 jannykwong 2010-6-28 09:19
trump: 这个妈妈就没有教育孩子不能酒后驾驶?
1 回复 jannykwong 2010-6-28 09:22
xqw63: 为楼主鼓掌,为那个妈妈流泪
1 回复 snortbsd 2010-6-28 09:24
jannykwong: 当事情已经发生时,追究他母亲教子无方或是否值得同情没有任何意义的,那时你只想要做的就是在能力范围内尽可能帮助她,让她减少痛苦。
nah, my real point is this:"she should have let her son do his time in jail to pay for his mistake in life, instead of buying him out of troubles."

well, you are lawyers and you had done what you were hired to do...
1 回复 nierdaye 2010-6-28 09:28
1 回复 jannykwong 2010-6-28 09:35
gyyy: your mercy to the driver and his parents is cruelty to the victim and her/his family. It is very unprofessional. There is no difference between DUI a
1 回复 jannykwong 2010-6-28 09:43
陈营: 再一次看到母亲的伟大,这个世界上有人愿意为你去死的只有她--母亲。

1 回复 jannykwong 2010-6-28 09:44
红妹子: 是这样,尽管亲情可贵,护子心切,该是谁的责任就要谁来承担。
1 回复 jannykwong 2010-6-28 09:45
nierdaye: 个人可以同情她的父母。当时,对于酒后驾车导致他人伤害,非常憎恨.
1 回复 xqw63 2010-6-28 10:47
jannykwong: 但愿天下不再有为子女伤害落泪的父母。
1 回复 红妹子 2010-6-28 14:18
jannykwong: 应该是这样的。只是很多中国父母都不这样想,他们可以为子女献出自己的一切,包括尊严。
1 回复 naturelover 2010-6-29 02:48
snortbsd: personally i have no sympathy for drunk driving offenses. i think they must pay fully for their stupidity or even crimes, depends on the scenarios.

Are you pretty good at murder cases as well?
What is your thought on 王立山's murder case? I will be very interested to learn your opinion. I don't know him at all. Just sympathetic.....
1 回复 1112bls 2010-6-29 03:11
jannykwong: 中国父母在对待自己的孩子上需要改变观念,不能无休止的呵护,如何让他们自立自强才是重要的。
1 回复 snortbsd 2010-6-29 03:15
红妹子: 甚至包括生命,在国人看来达到崇高境界的颠锋,难为你们律师了,什么场景都要见都要触目惊心一把。
yeah. this "崇高境界" motherly love is sending her kid to the point of no-return. this kind of stupidity (some call it "great love") is beyond my comprehension...
1 回复 snortbsd 2010-6-29 03:20
naturelover: Are you pretty good at murder cases as well?
What is your thought on 王立山's murder case? I will be very interested to learn your opinion. I don't k
i am not lawyer, if that was what you meant by "Are you pretty good at murder cases as well?".

yes, i have great interests in laws.

my opinions? well, he is in hands of laws, regardless his claims...
1 回复 naturelover 2010-6-29 03:52
snortbsd: i am not lawyer, if that was what you meant by "Are you pretty good at murder cases as well?".

yes, i have great interests in laws.

my op
True. Thank for your opinion. He is in the hands of laws, no question.
It is wrong to kill. But we are all from China. He has a wife and three kids. Just like Wu Jing Hua. and his family. Just feel sad......
1 回复 snortbsd 2010-6-29 03:57
naturelover: True. Thank for your opinion. He is in the hands of laws, no question.
It is wrong to kill. But we are all from China. He has a wife and three kids.
that is beyond me, with three kids and a wife...

where is his sense of responsibility for his family? or something else we don't know (not those his claims)..
1 回复 naturelover 2010-6-29 04:05
snortbsd: that is beyond me, with three kids and a wife...

where is his sense of responsibility for his family? or something else we don't know (not those his
I agree with you totally. That is way beyond us. He is not a mature and responsible man!

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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