格物便是致知 (已有 4,654,646 人访问过博主空间)



作者:格物便是致知  于 2011-10-29 18:44 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村











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回复 格物便是致知 2011-10-31 18:30
hog4oc: It spells as "Waldorf" not "Waldoef" - my question to you is did you stay in any Waldorf Astoria hotel before, if you don' ...
回复 格物便是致知 2011-10-31 18:31
▄︻┻┳==: 这是方言,还是古文,还是日文,,,,恕我孤陋寡闻?
回复 格物便是致知 2011-10-31 18:35
hog4oc: Hi "Picard"

I do travel a lot - if you look my profile under www.tripadvisor.com (BTW - it is a good information website for hotel info ...
" I found most of those hotels lack the details like room design, bed mattress quality, bed sheets and towels in bathroom..."

回复 格物便是致知 2011-10-31 18:36
qxw66: 我是99%!
回复 格物便是致知 2011-10-31 18:40
Picard: You have to compare apples to apples to get your conclusions. To be fair, the concierge services in the US, not necessarily in western hotels in China ...
回复 格物便是致知 2011-10-31 18:41
hr8888hr: yeah, it's typo, thank you!


至于你说的 ...
回复 格物便是致知 2011-10-31 18:44
sdwddnh: 纯果汁,或高质量的矿泉水都可以啊。如果要用现成的饮料,也要用符合5星店水准的吧。出门小卖部都一样质量的东西,他们放5星店里难道就没感觉有问题?

回复 格物便是致知 2011-10-31 18:46
美国鲁汉: 我也是这么认为的。
回复 kissmyass 2011-10-31 19:53
quite frankly, I had attended CANTON FAIR since 1998. I had never missed a single fair since then, stayed in almost all the 5 stars if you will. Not I am wearing a 有色眼镜, just I am more resourceful and more well traveled. I spend 4 to 5 months living in China and rest traveling around the world. I know what is bad and what is good service.

I am not going to jump on the gun, but the hotel you stayed is really nothing special in it's facility design. I have seen far much better constructed hotels in 3rd tier Chinese city. The hotel pictures you posted looks nice, but it is only fancy to the Chinese Oversea "farmer", whom been referred by local Chinese as out of dated and out of touch, a sarcastic term used to describe oversea chinese
回复 kissmyass 2011-10-31 20:00
格物便是致知: 你见过哪一间美国酒店在你劳累一天回来后,马上递上一杯水与你?

Go to Sheraton hotel  in Macau.  I had spend 2 days there be4 the canton fair started. They give the lemon ice water to anyone come into the lobby.
回复 kissmyass 2011-10-31 20:05
hog4oc: Hi "Picard"

I do travel a lot - if you look my profile under www.tripadvisor.com (BTW - it is a good information website for hotel info ...
Agree. you can't expect someone who can't tell the difference of service to observe the details. There are always people who just look at the fancy marbles and shining glasses, but ignore the core of hotel business, that is providing travelers a comfortable stay, make them feel cozy like in home.
回复 格物便是致知 2011-10-31 20:30
kissmyass: Go to Sheraton hotel  in Macau.  I had spend 2 days there be4 the canton fair started. They give the lemon ice water to anyone come into the lobby.
回复 格物便是致知 2011-10-31 20:35
kissmyass: Agree. you can't expect someone who can't tell the difference of service to observe the details. There are always people who just look at the fancy ma ...


回复 美国鲁汉 2011-10-31 23:52
格物便是致知: 君子所见略同
回复 美国鲁汉 2011-11-1 00:00
kissmyass: Go to Sheraton hotel  in Macau.  I had spend 2 days there be4 the canton fair started. They give the lemon ice water to anyone come into the lobby.
回复 hog4oc 2011-11-1 05:30

If you pass the shock from poor to rich, you start to look for details that make you comfortable, you buy things for two reasons - utility and fun, just like buying cars, you buy it for driving not for showing, unfortunate in China, much of the activities are for "showing".
回复 hog4oc 2011-11-1 05:31
No - those are the cores to feel cozy, and that's why western hotels are much better than Chinese.
回复 hog4oc 2011-11-1 05:36
My favorite hotels are "Four Seasons", the moment you walk in you can feel the cozy home, everyone smile to you natural (they don't have people line up at the front and yield "welcome" like typical Chinese places), the room design, the sheets they use for their beds, the towels they use in their bathroom...I've stayed their facility at San Diego, Santa Barbara, San Francisco, Shanghai, Macau, Whistler...my goal is to try every Four Seasons hotels around the world.
1 回复 hog4oc 2011-11-1 05:39
I'm comparing apple to apple - i'm comparing the western hotels in China with chinese self claim so call "6 or 7" star hotels. The problem with lots of chinese run place is looking around, what kind of level of people are eating or living there...when you have high standard customers around, you will have a better facility.
1 回复 qxw66 2011-11-1 12:40
格物便是致知: 1%+99%=100%
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