
作者:海攀  于 2011-9-22 22:26 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村











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1 回复 海攀 2011-9-24 04:21
nnzzll: 我就不觉得刘娟喜欢郑卫,她只是还没遇到自己喜欢的。
1 回复 海攀 2011-9-24 04:22
玉石: 文中二次提到郑卫要走人,还毕业就要走,去那里?
1 回复 海攀 2011-9-24 04:22
BL_518: 也许丽莎说得对,刘娟喜欢的是郑卫~~~~~~~
1 回复 huangw 2011-9-24 08:24
smartman: ..."So, if he does not have a white girl friend, would it make you feel ashamed of him? "...

why did you feel ashamed?  you made up my  ...
Please do not over react. Buddy. I did not put my word into your mouth. Just ask you a question in a different angle.

With regard to the race/culture background issue, of course other  people may look at you in the light of your ethnic background. But you do not have to carry this burden. After all, just think yourself as an individual. You are you only. You don't have to care how some people may think of you. You stand for yourself. If someone does not like you, who cares.  All you have to care is if you are treated fairly by the laws or by the rules.
1 回复 BL_518 2011-9-24 10:12
海攀: 女孩子最懂女孩子。
1 回复 smartman 2011-9-24 10:31
huangw: Please do not over react. Buddy. I did not put my word into your mouth. Just ask you a question in a different angle.

With regard to the race/cultur ...
my advice to you is: NEVER, EVER jump into conclusions by wearing others' shoes.

in this country, you need either votes or money (both called Piao Zhi).  look at each minority group and see how they are united to achieve Piao Zhi's.  even if you use your toes (not your head) to think briefly, it is easy to figure out each individual is deemed a repesentative of his group.  regardless of who you think you are, you are yellow-color-skin chinese, regarded by your bosses, colleagues and your neighbors.  this is NOT "to carry the burden".  this is a sense of responsibility and obligation as well as a source of pride!  remember, you stand by yourself and at the same time by your group!

plus, if you always stand by yourself alone, you are very easily mistreated by laws or rules.
1 回复 smartman 2011-9-24 10:35
海攀: 见美女就不放过?:)
i wish zheng wei 见white beauty 美女就不放过!

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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