24solar terms 24节气

作者:mandarin  于 2018-1-12 09:33 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


Jieqi (or solar terms) are days marking one of the 24 time zones of the solar year in traditional Chinese calendar. Jieqi was used to indicate the alternation of seasons and climate changes in ancient China. It is a unique component and creative invention of Chinese traditional calendar.


Originated in the Yellow River reaches, Jieqi reflected our ancestors' knowledge about climate changes during their farming activities. Over the years, Jieqi has played an important role in China's agricultural and animal husbandry production. In reality, the actual solstice/equinox dates vary by plus or minus one day, hence the variation between such reference lists as Cohen Introduction 412 and the back of the Mathews dictionary . Readers located in the North Temperate Zone should find the defining events generally familiar; the list was apparently devised for approximately 35' N latitude.

起源于黄河,节气反映了我们祖先农业活动上对气候变化的知识。多年来,节气在中国的农业和畜牧业生产发挥了重要作用。在现实中,实际的冬至日期随正负一天,因此之间的变异等可以参考科恩介绍412后面的马修斯词典位于北温带的读者应该找到熟悉的定义事件;列表设计了大约35 ' N纬度。

The 24 solar divisions begin with the "Start of Spring", which is followed in turn by "Rain Water", when preparations for planting are made; "Excited Insects", a time of spring thunder and the stirring of new life; the “Spring Equinox”; "Clear and Bright", marked by the howling of southeasterly winds; and "Grain Rains", reminding the farmers that the seasonal downpours are beginning. The summer divisions begin with "Start of Summer"; "Grain Fills", when the grain swells on the stalks; "Grain in Ear", marking the time of harvest; the“ Summer Solstice”; and "Slight Heat" and "Great Heat", when the warmth of summer becomes increasingly more oppressive.


The summer divisions are followed in turn by the "Start of Autumn", the day on which the temperature begins to cool; "White Dew", when the moisture congeals to frost; the “Autumnal Equinox”, the true start of the fall season; and followed with "Cold Dew" and " Frost Descends", the weather turns cold as winter nears. The "Start of Winter" is followed by "Light Snow" and "Heavy Snow", which mark the beginning of deep winter. The next division in the year, “Winter Solstice”, is a day of deep significance, celebrated  by eating Tangyuan to fortify the body in preparation for the biting frost of "Little Cold" and "Severe Cold", the final two divisions of the cycle before beginning the new year.


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