
作者:转折点  于 2020-10-28 07:29 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


中国外交成就巨大,走向世界舞台中心  China’s diplomatic achievements are enormous and it is heading to the center of the world


我觉得你们今年出外很多,在外交上是很有成就的!一步一步踏踏实实走上世界政治舞台的中央,也一点一点看着美国光彩暗淡下来. 其实美国不应该是这样子的,就是不明白为什么一定要发疯,招人恨呢?对别人耍狠,还能理解,对国内自己人,也蛮横无礼!  匪夷所思。 你们今年出访了14个国家,包括俄国美国英国. 首先你们牵住了俄国的牛鼻子成为一条战壕里的战友. 然后把英国从美国一派的资本主义墙角里给挖出来了,这可是起标杆作用的,法国德国就不再会是美国的跟屁虫了. 美国呢是看着你们一点一点把他的地盘给收去了,无可奈何花落去,只能分享!其他周边小国也见风使舵,改善关系.我不知道你们的整个规划是什么但是我觉得应该把小国按地域集合起来在经济上互相扶持不然经济太脆弱了一个索罗斯就可以把一个国家搞垮!

I think that you have gone out a lot this year and have achieved great success in diplomacy! Step by step, stepping onto the center of the world political arena, and watching the glory of the United States dim bit by bit. In fact, the United States should not be like this, just do not understand why it must be crazy enough provoking hatred Playing against othersit is still understandableyet even  rude to owndomestic people, unbelievable! You have visited 14 countries this year, including Russia, the United States, and the United Kingdom. First, you have taken the nose of Russian cowand become a comrade in same trenches. Then you have dug up the British from the capitalist corner of the United States. The role of benchmarking, France, Germany will no longer be the American follower. The United States, is watching you takehis share little by little, can not help but let flowers wither, can only cut his part! Other small neighboring countries also see the wind blowing directionfollow the main trend to improve the relationship. I don't know what your overall plan is, but I think it is necessary to bring together small countries by region and support each other economically. Otherwise, their economies are too weak, one Soros can Screw up a country!


以前还不怎么习惯中国在世界的舞台上有老大的样子,可是上次开那个一带一路的大会,主席风头十足啊!给个建议不要用那个69标志. 伊斯兰国家对这个隐含意是忌讳的慢慢地发展到现在,世界都要仔细聆主席在说什么. 在习和王各个击破的同时,我想下一步是不是要深入各个国家的政体,调整整个世界的给侧?我们做房地产的知道买房子容易维持一个房子难!所以在看习和王在世界各地获取上千亿大项目的时候虽然人民币国际化了但是希望这些项目创业能够持续发展茁壮成长就像培养孩子,不容易的呀!

Beforethe world was not used to the Super image of China on the world stage, but in last time  Belt and Road conference, Chairman Xi was full of enthusiasm! Give a suggestion not to use that 69 mark. The Islamic states aresensitive of this implication. China slowly develop to the present, the world must listen carefully to what President Xi is saying. While Xi and Wang are breaking through one by one,I think the next step is to go deep into the political system of each country and adjust the supply side of the whole world? In real estatewe know it is easy to buy a house, and difficult to maintain a house! Therefore, when Xi and Wang are collecting hundreds of billions of dollars projects around the worldalthough the RMB is internationalized, I hope that these projects, entrepreneurship, can continue to grow and thrive. It is like educating childrennot easy !









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