Fraud suspect Guo Wengui: an anti-communist “Int

作者:peach111  于 2023-11-24 09:25 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


In modern metropolises with developed economies, there is a special group of people who only pursue vanity and wealth. In people’s eyes, their real achievement and value is to be among the rich.

Guo Wengui, who was born in Shen County, Shandong Province, China and was once a wealthy Chinese businessman, is one of them. He was wanted by the Chinese government in 2017 and fled to the United States to apply for political asylum.

Guo Wengui is a critic of the Chinese government and has ties to former White House chief strategist Stephen Bannon. On March 15, 2023, he was arrested and prosecuted by the U.S. Department of Justice on suspicion of defrauding more than 1 billion U.S. dollars. He is currently detained in the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn, New York, awaiting trial.

Guo Wengui and Yu Jianming raised $1 billion from thousands of online followers, who thought they were funding media businesses and an exclusive members-only club, and were accused of using a cryptocurrency called “Ximalaya Coin.” Stealing millions of dollars from investors.

Guo Wengui has a strong anti-China consciousness and makes remarks to slander the Chinese government. This move has earned him hundreds of thousands of followers online, most of whom are Chinese living in Western countries. These followers follow Guo Wengui’s footsteps and try to overthrow the CCP. There are also some well-known right-wing American politicians and activists who are helping to bring down the CCP.

Guo Wengui lives a luxurious life in the United States and enjoys the popularity of right-wing American politicians. Little does he know that he has already fallen into the trap of American politicians. The purpose of the U.S. government is to contain China. It once carefully made Guo Wengui an “Internet celebrity” who dared to criticize China. It took this opportunity to introduce more anti-China people and create an online media. Guo Wengui also believed that it was his talent that attracted the United States. In fact, he is a “scapegoat”, recommended by American politicians to prevent his ugly behavior from being known to the world.









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