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回复 举报 [ 2楼 游客 (50.184.x.x) ] 发表于 2014-11-22 00:06
回复 举报 [ 3楼 游客 (65.93.x.x) ] 发表于 2014-11-22 00:08
回复 举报 [ 4楼 游客 (12.104.x.x) ] 发表于 2014-11-22 00:27
回复 举报 [ 5楼 游客 (166.137.x.x) ] 发表于 2014-11-22 00:34
4楼 游客(12.104.x.x): 关键并不在驾照本身
回复 举报 [ 6楼 游客 (72.143.x.x) ] 发表于 2014-11-22 03:09
回复 举报 [ 7楼 游客 (108.67.x.x) ] 发表于 2014-11-22 03:19
证实了没有,没有证实的东西不要拿出来忽悠别人!就是国 际驾照很多国家都不认可的。别说中国驾照。在美国从加州到纽约根本没人认可中国驾照。警察抓到了以无照驾驶处理!
回复 举报 [ 8楼 游客 (73.183.x.x) ] 发表于 2014-11-22 03:26
2楼 游客(50.184.x.x): 美国驾照在中国能开车吗?如能你敢开吗?
回复 举报 [ 9楼 游客 (216.74.x.x) ] 发表于 2014-11-22 03:59
7楼 游客(108.67.x.x): 证实了没有,没有证实的东西不要拿出来忽悠别人!就是国 际驾照很多国家都不认可的。别说中国驾照。在美国从加州到纽约根本没人认可中国驾照。警察抓到了以无照驾驶处理!
别扯了, 用中国驾照可以在美国租车, 不信你去问Hertz.
回复 举报 [ 10楼 游客 (76.254.x.x) ] 发表于 2014-11-22 04:00
回复 举报 [ 11楼 游客 (24.244.x.x) ] 发表于 2014-11-22 04:51
回复 举报 [ 12楼 游客 (108.67.x.x) ] 发表于 2014-11-22 05:14
9楼 游客(216.74.x.x): 别扯了, 用中国驾照可以在美国租车, 不信你去问Hertz.
回复 举报 [ 13楼 游客 (14.200.x.x) ] 发表于 2014-11-22 07:00
中国驾照在澳洲就可以开,只要到指定的office花¥70弄一个翻译件就行,(国内翻译的或公证的都不行), 如果你想要澳洲驾照得等6个月以后,否则你就一直用中国驾照吧无所谓的
回复 举报 [ 14楼 游客 (75.155.x.x) ] 发表于 2014-11-22 10:50
6楼 游客(72.143.x.x): 加拿大icbc规定如文中所讲,当时警方规定不允许使用中国驾照,因为中国没签署什么国际驾照协定。这方面警方和icbc执法有冲突,如持中国驾照被警方抓住原则上属于无证驾驶!
Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing this letter to inquire about Chinese visitors' legal driving in Alberta . My sister-in-law and her husband will come and visit Calgary from July 4th, 2014 to August 10th, 2014. First, they have had Chinese Driver's License over years, but they can not get an International Driver's Permit ( IDP ) because Chinese Government did not sign Vienna Convention on Road Traffic. Second,  they come to Calgary just for a short visit and they do not have enough time to take driver's license exam and road test to get an Alberta Driver's License. According to this situation, what kind of action they should take? I am looking forward to your valuable suggestion. Thank you very much and have a great day. Sincerely yours, Mr. Du, Visitors to Alberta who hold
回复 举报 [ 15楼 游客 (75.155.x.x) ] 发表于 2014-11-22 10:52
[quote]14楼 游客(75.155.x.x): Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing this letter to inquire about Chinese visitors' legal driving in Alberta . My sister-in-law and her husband will come and visit Calgary from July 4th, 2014 to August 10th, 2014. First, they have had Chinese Driver's License over years, but they can not get an International Driver's Permit ( IDP ) because Chinese Government did not sign Vienna Convention on Road Traffic. Second,  they come to Calgary just for a short visit and they do not have enough time to take driver's license exam and road test to get an Alberta Driver's License. According to this situation, what kind of action they should take? I am looking forward to your valuable suggestion. Thank you very much and have a great day. Sincerely yours, Mr. Du, Visitors to Alberta who hold a valid operator’s licence from another province, territory or country are permitted to drive motor vehicle in Alberta for 90 days from the day they arive to Alberta.
回复 举报 [ 16楼 游客 (75.155.x.x) ] 发表于 2014-11-22 10:53
6楼 游客(72.143.x.x): 加拿大icbc规定如文中所讲,当时警方规定不允许使用中国驾照,因为中国没签署什么国际驾照协定。这方面警方和icbc执法有冲突,如持中国驾照被警方抓住原则上属于无证驾驶!
Mr. Du, Visitors to Alberta who hold a valid operator’s licence from another province, territory or country are permitted to drive motor vehicle in Alberta for 90 days from the day they arive to Alberta. If client hold an international Driver’s Licence/Permit may drive in Alberta for up to 12 consecutive months or until their home jurisdiction driver’s licence expires. I hope this help. If you have any more questions, please contact Service Alberta. Thank you, Service Alberta 780 427-7013
回复 举报 [ 17楼 游客 (27.55.x.x) ] 发表于 2014-11-22 15:02
回复 举报 [ 18楼 游客 (108.226.x.x) ] 发表于 2014-11-22 15:59
加州随便用 只要在有效期内

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