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11 回复 举报 [ 58楼 游客 (204.191.x.x) ] 发表于 2018-4-23 10:31
11 回复 举报 [ 57楼 游客 (73.200.x.x) ] 发表于 2018-4-23 10:05
2 回复 举报 [ 56楼 游客 (99.255.x.x) ] 发表于 2018-4-23 10:04
9 回复 举报 [ 55楼 游客 (68.231.x.x) ] 发表于 2018-4-23 09:54
阿里巴巴给中国人的启示:研发硬技术是儍 X, 商业模式创新才是赚钱硬道理。只要马云这种人受吹捧,中国芯片就没有希望。
3 回复 举报 [ 54楼 游客 (174.7.x.x) ] 发表于 2018-4-23 09:45
8 回复 举报 [ 53楼 Surrey1 ] 发表于 2018-4-23 09:24
1 回复 举报 [ 52楼 游客 (99.255.x.x) ] 发表于 2018-4-23 09:20
3 回复 举报 [ 51楼 游客 (108.173.x.x) ] 发表于 2018-4-23 09:14
2 回复 举报 [ 50楼 游客 (47.148.x.x) ] 发表于 2018-4-23 09:11
3 回复 举报 [ 49楼 游客 (171.67.x.x) ] 发表于 2018-4-23 09:08
Bullshit Ma !!!!!  Bullshit Xi !!!!  This whole damned dirty game of the "trade war" is to try to privatize the remaining state-own enterprises !   F*cked, Ma & Xi, the gang of Zhe Jiang, your bullshit think all Chinese people is fool?  Xi is a traitor of China, he cooperated with the enemy to have staged the whole trade war!!!!!!  Let us condemn Traitor Xi, the second Yuan Shi Kai!
2 回复 举报 [ 48楼 游客 (104.177.x.x) ] 发表于 2018-4-23 09:07
4 回复 举报 [ 47楼 游客 (171.67.x.x) ] 发表于 2018-4-23 08:59
Bullshit Ma !!!!!  Bullshit Xi !!!!  This whole damned dirty game of the "trade war" is to try to privatize the remaining state-own enterprises !   F*cked, Ma & Xi, the gang of Zhe Jiang, your bullshit think all Chinese people is fool?
4 回复 举报 [ 46楼 游客 (171.67.x.x) ] 发表于 2018-4-23 08:57
Bullshit Ma!!!!!  Bullshit Xi!!!! This damned whole dirty game of the "trade war" is to try to privatize the remaining state-own enterprises!  F*cked, Ma & Xi, your bullshit think all Chinese people is fool?
4 回复 举报 [ 45楼 游客 (171.67.x.x) ] 发表于 2018-4-23 08:55
Bullshit Ma!!!!!  Bullshit Xi!!!! This damned whole dirty game of the "trade war" is try to privatize the remaining country-own enterprises!  F*cked, Ma & Xi, your bullshit think Chinese people are all fool?
5 回复 举报 [ 44楼 游客 (76.169.x.x) ] 发表于 2018-4-23 08:52
5 回复 举报 [ 43楼 游客 (68.172.x.x) ] 发表于 2018-4-23 08:43
3 回复 举报 [ 42楼 游客 (24.168.x.x) ] 发表于 2018-4-23 08:40
2 回复 举报 [ 41楼 游客 (121.208.x.x) ] 发表于 2018-4-23 08:38
3 回复 举报 [ 40楼 游客 (76.69.x.x) ] 发表于 2018-4-23 08:28
6 回复 举报 [ 39楼 游客 (174.49.x.x) ] 发表于 2018-4-23 08:25
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