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0 回复 举报 [ 2楼 游客 (72.139.x.x) ] 发表于 2018-12-30 08:40
All the money on the island spent on buying 2nd hand U.S. weapons won't be enough to protect the island for it is only a drop in the bucket comparing to mainland. Therefore, it is better to forget it and spend the money on improving people's living standard. The right way to run the island is let the Americans protect the island totally for it is the Americans want the island to be their front line against China, therefore, they should pay for everything and even pay the island to do their jobs. If the Americans don;t want to pay, then, tell them to forget it and work for the side willing to pay. This is the right way to do business and running life in their own hands.        mak
1 回复 举报 [ 3楼 游客 (49.180.x.x) ] 发表于 2018-12-30 15:21
“All the money on the island spent on buying 2nd hand U.S. weapons won't be enough to protect the island for it is only a drop in the bucket ”-------&-二鬼子,你麻痹在这得说人话
回复 举报 [ 4楼 游客 (172.58.x.x) ] 发表于 2018-12-31 19:41

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